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Database Stat

The following table describes columns in the Database Stat report.

Table 1 Columns in the Database Stat report

Column Description
DB Name Database name.
Backends Number of backends connected to this database.
Xact Commit Number of transactions in this database that have been committed.
Xact Rollback Number of transactions in this database that have been rolled back.
Blks Read Number of disk blocks read in this database.
Blks Hit Number of times that disk blocks have been found in the cache.
Tuple Returned Number of rows sequentially scanned.
Tuple Fetched Number of rows randomly scanned.
Tuple Inserted Number of rows inserted by queries in this database.
Tuple Updated Number of rows updated by queries in this database.
Tup Deleted Number of rows deleted by queries in this database.
Conflicts Number of queries canceled due to conflicts.
Temp Files Number of temporary files created by queries in this database.
Temp Bytes Total amount of data written to temporary files by queries in this database.
Deadlocks Number of deadlocks detected in this database.
Blk Read Time Time spent reading data file blocks by backends in this database (unit: ms).
Blk Write Time Time spent writing into data file blocks by backends in this database (unit: ms).
Stats Reset Time at which the current statistics were reset.

Load Profile

The following table lists metrics in the Load Profile report.

Table 2 Metrics in the Load Profile report

Metric Description
DB Time(us) Total elapsed time of a job.
CPU Time(us) Total CPU time used for job running.
Redo size(blocks) Size of the generated WAL (blocks).
Logical read (blocks) Number of logical reads (blocks) on a table or an index.
Physical read (blocks) Number of physical reads (blocks) on a table or an index.
Physical write (blocks) Number of physical writes (blocks) on a table or an index.
Read IO requests Number of times that a table or an index is read.
Write IO requests Number of times that a table or an index is written.
Read IO (MB) Table or index read size (MB).
Write IO (MB) Table or index write size (MB).
Logons Number of logins.
Executes (SQL) Number of times the SQL statement is executed.
Rollbacks Number of rolled-back transactions.
Transactions Number of transactions.
SQL response time P95(us) Response time of 95% SQL statements.
SQL response time P80(us) Response time of 80% SQL statements.

Instance Efficiency Percentages

The following table lists metrics in the Instance Efficiency Percentages report.

Table 3 Metrics in the Instance Efficiency Percentages report

Metric Description
Buffer Hit % Hit ratio of the buffer pool.
Effective CPU % Ratio of the CPU time to the DB time.
WalWrite NoWait % Ratio of the number of events that access the WAL buffer to the total number of wait events.
Soft Parse % Ratio of the number of soft parsing times to the total number of parsing times.
Non-Parse CPU % Ratio of the non-parse time to the total execution time.

Top 10 Events by Total Wait Time

The following table lists columns in the Top 10 Events by Total Wait Time report.

Table 4 Columns in the Top 10 Events by Total Wait Time report

Column Description
Event Name of a wait event.
Waits Number of wait times.
Total Wait Time(us) Total wait time, in microseconds.
Avg Wait Time(us) Average wait time, in microseconds.
Type Wait event type.

Wait Classes by Total Wait Time

The following table lists columns in the Wait Classes by Total Wait Time report.

Table 5 Columns in the Wait Classes by Total Wait Time report

Column Description
Type Wait events are classified as follows:
Waits Number of wait times.
Total Wait Time(us) Total wait time, in microseconds.
Avg Wait Time(us) Average wait time, in microseconds.

Host CPU

The following table describes columns in the Host CPU report.

Table 6 Columns in the Host CPU report

Column Description
Cpus Number of processors.
Cores Number of CPU cores.
Sockets Number of CPU sockets.
Load Average Begin Load average value of the start snapshot.
Load Average End Load average value of the end snapshot.
%User Percentage of CPU time spent in the user mode.
%System Percentage of CPU time spent in the kernel mode.
%WIO Percentage of CPU time spent in wait I/O.
%Idle Percentage of CPU idle time.

IO Profile

The following table lists metrics in the IO Profile report.

Table 7 Metrics in the IO Profile report

Metric Description
Database requests Number of database I/O times.
Database (MB) Database I/O data volume.
Database (blocks) Number of database I/O data blocks.
Redo requests Number of redo I/O times.
Redo (MB) Redo I/O data volume.

Memory Statistics

The following table lists metrics in the Memory Statistics report.

Table 8 Columns in the Memory Statistics report

Metric Description
shared_used_memory Size of used shared memory (MB).
max_shared_memory Maximum shared memory (MB).
process_used_memory Memory used by processes (MB).
max_process_memory Maximum memory that can be allocated to a process (MB).

Time Model

The following table describes metrics in the Time Model report.

Table 9 Metrics in the Time Model report

Metric Description
DB_TIME Total end-to-end wall time consumed by all threads (unit: μs).
EXECUTION_TIME Total time consumed on the executor (unit: μs).
PL_EXECUTION_TIME Total time consumed for executing PL/SQL statements (unit: μs).
CPU_TIME Total CPU time consumed by all threads (unit: μs).
PLAN_TIME Total time consumed for generating an execution plan (unit: μs).
REWRITE_TIME Total time consumed on query rewriting (unit: μs).
PL_COMPILATION_TIME Total time consumed for SQL compilation (unit: μs).
PARSE_TIME Total time consumed for parsing SQL statements (unit: μs).
NET_SEND_TIME Total time consumed for sending data over network (unit: μs).
DATA_IO_TIME Total time consumed for data read and write (unit: μs).

SQL Statistics

The following table describes columns in the SQL Statistics report.

Table 10 Columns in the SQL Statistics report

Column Description
Unique SQL Id ID of the normalized SQL statement.
Node Name Node name.
User Name Username.
Tuples Read Number of tuples that are read.
Calls Number of calls.
Min Elapse Time(us) Minimum execution time (unit: us).
Max Elapse Time(us) Maximum execution time (unit: us).
Total Elapse Time(us) Total execution time (unit: us).
Avg Elapse Time(us) Average execution time (unit: us).
Returned Rows Number of rows returned by SELECT.
Tuples Affected Number of rows affected by INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.
Logical Read Number of logical reads on the buffer.
Physical Read Number of physical reads on the buffer.
CPU Time(us) CPU time (unit: us).
Data IO Time(us) Time spent on I/O (unit: us).
Sort Count Number of sorting execution times.
Sort Time(us) Sorting execution time (unit: us).
Sort Mem Used(KB) Size of work memory used during sorting (unit: KB).
Sort Spill Count Number of file writes when data is flushed to disks during sorting.
Sort Spill Size(KB) File size used when data is flushed to disks during sorting (unit: KB).
Hash Count Number of hashing execution times.
Hash Time(us) Hashing execution time (unit: us).
Hash Mem Used(KB) Size of work memory used during hashing (unit: KB).
Hash Spill Count Number of file writes when data is flushed to disks during hashing.
Hash Spill Size(KB) File size used when data is flushed to disks during hashing (unit: KB).
SQL Text Normalized SQL character string.

Wait Events

The following table describes columns in the Wait Events report.

Table 11 Columns in the Wait Events report

Column Description
Type Wait events are classified as follows:
Event Name of a wait event.
Total Wait Time (us) Total wait time (unit: us).
Waits Total number of wait times.
Failed Waits Number of wait failures.
Avg Wait Time (us) Average wait time (unit: us).
Max Wait Time (us) Maximum wait time (unit: us).

Cache IO Stats

Cache IO Stats contains two tables: User table and User index. The columns in the tables are described as follows.

User table IO activity ordered by heap blks hit ratio

Table 12 Columns in the User table IO activity ordered by heap blks hit ratio report

Column Description
DB Name Database name.
Schema Name Schema name.
Table Name Table name.
%Heap Blks Hit Ratio Buffer pool hit ratio of the table.
Heap Blks Read Number of disk blocks read from the table.
Heap Blks Hit Number of cache hits in the table.
Idx Blks Read Number of disk blocks read from all indexes on the table.
Idx Blks Hit Number of cache hits in the table .
Toast Blks Read Number of disk blocks read from the TOAST table (if any) in the table.
Toast Blks Hit Number of buffer hits in the TOAST table (if any) in the table.
Tidx Blks Read Number of disk blocks read from the TOAST table index (if any) in the table.
Tidx Blks Hit Number of buffer hits in the TOAST table index (if any) in the table.

User index IO activity ordered by idx blks hit ratio

Table 13 Columns in the User index IO activity ordered by idx blks hit ratio report

Column Description
DB Name Database name.
Schema Name Schema name.
Table Name Table name.
Index Name Index name.
%Idx Blks Hit Ratio Index hit ratio.
Idx Blks Read Number of disk blocks read from all indexes on the table.
Idx Blks Hit Number of cache hits in the table.

Utility status

Utility status contains two tables: Replication slot and Replication stat. Columns in the tables are described as follows:

Replication slot

Table 14 Columns in the Replication slot report

Column Description
Slot Name Replication node name.
Slot Type Type of the replication node.
DB Name Name of the database on the replication node.
Active Replication node status.
Xmin Transaction ID of the replication node.
Restart Lsn Xlog file information on the replication node.
Dummy Standby Replication node as a dummy standby.

Replication stat

Table 15 Columns in the Replication stat report

Column Description
Thread Id PID of the thread.
Usesys Id User system ID.
Username Username.
Application Name Application name.
Client Addr Client address.
Client Hostname Client host name.
Client Port Port of the client.
Backend Start Start time of an application.
State Log replication status.
Sender Sent Location Location where the sender sends logs.
Receiver Write Location Location where the receiver writes logs.
Receiver Flush Location Location where the receiver flushes logs.
Receiver Replay Location Location where the receiver replays logs.
Sync Priority Synchronization priority.
Sync State Synchronization status.

Object stats

Object stats contains three tables: User Tables stats, User index stats, and Bad lock stats. Columns in the tables are described as follows:

User Tables stats

Table 16 Columns in the User Tables stats report

Column Description
DB Name Database name.
Schema Schema name.
Relname Relation name.
Seq Scan Number of sequential scans initiated on this table.
Seq Tup Read Number of live rows fetched by sequential scans.
Index Scan Number of index scans initiated on the table.
Index Tup Fetch Number of live rows fetched by index scans.
Tuple Insert Number of rows inserted.
Tuple Update Number of rows updated.
Tuple Delete Number of rows deleted.
Tuple Hot Update Number of rows HOT updated (with no separate index updated).
Live Tuple Estimated number of live rows.
Dead Tuple Estimated number of dead rows.
Last Vacuum Last time at which this table was manually vacuumed (not counting VACUUM FULL).
Last Autovacuum Last time at which this table was vacuumed by the autovacuum daemon.
Last Analyze Last time at which this table was manually analyzed.
Last Autoanalyze Last time at which this table was analyzed by the autovacuum daemon.
Vacuum Count Number of times the table has been manually vacuumed (not counting VACUUM FULL).
Autovacuum Count Number of times the table has been vacuumed by the autovacuum daemon.
Analyze Count Number of times the table has been manually analyzed.
Autoanalyze Count Number of times the table has been analyzed by the autovacuum daemon.

User index stats

Table 17 Columns in the User index stats report

Column Description
DB Name Database name.
Schema Schema name.
Relname Relation name.
Index Relname Index name.
Index Scan Number of index scans initiated on the index.
Index Tuple Read Number of index entries returned by scans on the index.
Index Tuple Fetch Number of live table rows fetched by simple index scans using the index.

Bad lock stats

Table 18 Columns in the Bad lock stats report

Column Description
DB Id OID of the database.
Tablespace Id Tablespace OID.
Relfilenode File object ID.
Fork Number File type.
Error Count Number of failures.
First Time First occurrence time.
Last Time Last occurrence time.

Configuration settings

The following table describes columns in the Configuration settings report.

Table 19 Columns in the Configuration settings report

Column Description
Name GUC name.
Abstract GUC description.
Type Data type.
Curent Value Current value.
Min Value Valid minimum value.
Max Value Valid maximum value.
Category GUC type.
Enum Values All enumerated values.
Default Value Default parameter value used upon the database startup.
Reset Value Default parameter value used upon the database reset.

SQL Detail

The following table describes columns in the SQL Detail report.

Table 20 Columns in the SQL Detail report

Column Description
Unique SQL Id ID of the normalized SQL statement.
User Name Username.
Node Name Node name. This column is not displayed in node mode.
SQL Text Normalized SQL text.
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