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Query of the Original DDL Statement for a View


This feature is available since MogDB 5.0.2.


MogDB supports querying the original DDL statement of a view using the pg_get_ori_viewdef(view_name) function. Additionally, the DDL statement includes the comment following AS.


You can query the original DDL statement of a view. If there are comments following AS, they are also presented in the DDL statement.


MogDB adds the pg_get_ori_viewdef(view_name) function to obtain the original DDL statement of a view. The DDL can present the comments following AS. There are two kinds of comment, including "--" and "/* */".


  1. Create a test table, insert data, and query it.

    MogDB=# create table t_auto(a int, b int);
    MogDB=# insert into t_auto values(1,2);
    INSERT 0 1
    MogDB=# select * from t_auto;
     a | b
     1 | 2
    (1 row)
  2. Create a view with "--" and "/* */" comment.

    MogDB=# create /* line create*/ --line create
    MogDB-# or  /* line or */   --line or
    MogDB-# replace /* line replace */ --line replace
    MogDB-# view  /* line view */  --line view
    MogDB-# v1 /* line view_name */  --line view_name
    MogDB-# as  /*line as */   --line as
    MogDB$# select  /* line select */  --line select
    MogDB$# *    /* line target */  --line target
    MogDB$# from  /* line from */  --line from
    MogDB$# t_auto    /* line rel  */  --line rel
    MogDB$# ;
  3. Query the view using pg_get_ori_viewdef(view_name).

    There are two query formats:

    • select pg_get_ori_viewdef ('view_name'): queries the original DDL statement of a view in the current schema.

    • select pg_get_ori_viewdef ('schema.view_name'): queries the original DDL statement of a view in the specified schema.

    MogDB=# select pg_get_ori_viewdef ('v1');
      CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.v1(a, b) AS +
         /*line as */   --line as               +
     select  /* line select */  --line select   +
     *    /* line target */  --line target      +
     from  /* line from */  --line from         +
     t_auto    /* line rel  */  --line rel      +
    (1 row)


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