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PG_AGGREGATE records information about aggregate functions. Each entry in PG_AGGREGATE is an extension of an entry in PG_PROC. The PG_PROC entry carries the aggregate's name, input and output data types, and other information that is similar to ordinary functions.

Table 1 PG_AGGREGATE columns

Name Type Reference Description
aggfnoid regproc PG_PROC.proname PG_PROC proname of the aggregate function
aggtransfn regproc PG_PROC.proname Transition function
aggcollectfn regproc PG_PROC.proname Collect function
aggfinalfn regproc PG_PROC.proname Final function (0 if none)
aggsortop oid PG_OPERATOR.oid Associated sort operator (0 if none)
aggtranstype oid PG_TYPE.oid Data type of the aggregate function's internal transition (state) data
agginitval text - Initial value of the transition state. This is a text column containing the initial value in its external string representation. If this column is null, the transition state value starts from null.
agginitcollect text - Initial value of the collection state. This is a text column containing the initial value in its external string representation. If this column is null, the collection state value starts from null.
aggkind "char" - Type of the aggregate function:
- n: normal aggregate
- o: ordered set aggregate
aggnumdirectargs smallint - Number of direct parameters (non-aggregation-related parameters) of the aggregate function of the ordered set aggregate type. For an aggregate function of the normal aggregate type, the value is 0.
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