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Terminates a specified connection or an SQL statement executed under the connection.


  • The KILL syntax is valid in both non-thread pool mode and thread pool mode.
  • Generally, this parameter is used together with the Id column in the query result of SHOW PROCESSSLIST.
  • It can also be used together with SELECT sessionid from pg_stat_activity WHERE (filtering condition).


KILL [CONNECTION | QUERY] processlist_id

Parameter Description


    When the CONNECTION keyword is used to modify the KILL statement, the effect is the same as that of KILL processlist_id, and the current connection is terminated.


    When the QUERY keyword is used to modify the KILL statement, the SQL statement executed by the current connection is terminated, and the connection itself is not affected.

  • processlist_id

    Connection ID.


--Check the current connection.
MogDB=# show processlist;
       Id        |       Pid       |      QueryId      | UniqueSqlId |   User    | Host |    db    |        Command         |
      BackendStart          |           XactStart           |  Time  | State  |                  Info
 139653370304256 | 139653370304256 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | ApplyLauncher          | 20
22-06-21 16:46:19.656076+08 |                               |        |        |
 139653319255808 | 139653319255808 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | Asp                    | 20
22-06-21 16:46:19.728521+08 |                               |      1 | active |
 139653336483584 | 139653336483584 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | PercentileJob          | 20
22-06-21 16:46:19.728527+08 |                               |      8 | active |
 139653302175488 | 139653302175488 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | statement flush thread | 20
22-06-21 16:46:19.728558+08 |                               | 508507 | idle   |
 139653198239488 | 139653198239488 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | WorkloadMonitor        | 20
22-06-21 16:46:19.750133+08 |                               |        |        |
 139653181298432 | 139653181298432 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | WLMArbiter             | 20
22-06-21 16:46:19.750976+08 |                               |        |        |
 139653215110912 | 139653215110912 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | workload               | 20
22-06-21 16:46:19.754504+08 | 2022-06-21 16:46:19.769585+08 | 508507 | active | WLM fetch collect info from data nodes
 139653421840128 | 139653421840128 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | JobScheduler           | 20
22-06-27 10:00:54.754007+08 |                               |      0 | active |
 139653044328192 | 139653044328192 | 48976645947655327 |  1772643515 | MogDB | -1   | dolphin  | gsql                   | 20
22-06-27 14:00:53.163338+08 | 2022-06-27 14:01:26.794658+08 |      0 | active | show processlist;
 139653027546880 | 139653027546880 | 48976645947655326 |  1775585557 | MogDB | -1   | postgres | gsql                   | 20
22-06-27 14:01:03.969962+08 | 2022-06-27 14:01:19.967521+08 |      7 | active | select pg_sleep(100);
(10 rows)

--SQL statement for terminating the 139653027546880 connection
MogDB=# kill query 139653027546880;
(1 row)

--The connection status of 139653027546880 in the processlist is changed to idle.
MogDB=# show processlist;
       Id        |       Pid       |      QueryId      | UniqueSqlId |   User    | Host |    db    |        Command         |
      BackendStart          |           XactStart           |  Time  | State  |                  Info
 139653370304256 | 139653370304256 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | ApplyLauncher          | 20
22-06-21 16:46:19.656076+08 |                               |        |        |
 139653319255808 | 139653319255808 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | Asp                    | 20
22-06-21 16:46:19.728521+08 |                               |      0 | active |
 139653336483584 | 139653336483584 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | PercentileJob          | 20
22-06-21 16:46:19.728527+08 |                               |      5 | active |
 139653302175488 | 139653302175488 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | statement flush thread | 20
22-06-21 16:46:19.728558+08 |                               | 508573 | idle   |
 139653198239488 | 139653198239488 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | WorkloadMonitor        | 20
22-06-21 16:46:19.750133+08 |                               |        |        |
 139653181298432 | 139653181298432 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | WLMArbiter             | 20
22-06-21 16:46:19.750976+08 |                               |        |        |
 139653215110912 | 139653215110912 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | workload               | 20
22-06-21 16:46:19.754504+08 | 2022-06-21 16:46:19.769585+08 | 508573 | active | WLM fetch collect info from data nodes
 139653421840128 | 139653421840128 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | JobScheduler           | 20
22-06-27 10:00:54.754007+08 |                               |      1 | active |
 139653044328192 | 139653044328192 | 48976645947655329 |  1772643515 | MogDB | -1   | dolphin  | gsql                   | 20
22-06-27 14:00:53.163338+08 | 2022-06-27 14:02:33.180256+08 |      0 | active | show processlist;
 139653027546880 | 139653027546880 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB | -1   | postgres | gsql                   | 20
22-06-27 14:01:03.969962+08 |                               |     11 | idle   | select pg_sleep(100);
(10 rows)

--Terminate the connection to 139653027546880.
MogDB=# kill 139653027546880;
(1 row)

--Alternatively, run the following command:

MogDB=# kill connection 139653027546880;
(1 row)

--The connection does not exist in the processlist.
MogDB=# show processlist;
       Id        |       Pid       |      QueryId      | UniqueSqlId |   User    | Host |    db    |        Command         |
      BackendStart          |           XactStart           |  Time  | State  |                  Info
 139653370304256 | 139653370304256 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | ApplyLauncher          | 20
22-06-21 16:46:19.656076+08 |                               |        |        |
 139653319255808 | 139653319255808 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | Asp                    | 20
22-06-21 16:46:19.728521+08 |                               |      1 | active |
 139653336483584 | 139653336483584 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | PercentileJob          | 20
22-06-21 16:46:19.728527+08 |                               |      7 | active |
 139653302175488 | 139653302175488 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | statement flush thread | 20
22-06-21 16:46:19.728558+08 |                               | 508696 | idle   |
 139653198239488 | 139653198239488 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | WorkloadMonitor        | 20
22-06-21 16:46:19.750133+08 |                               |        |        |
 139653181298432 | 139653181298432 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | WLMArbiter             | 20
22-06-21 16:46:19.750976+08 |                               |        |        |
 139653215110912 | 139653215110912 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | workload               | 20
22-06-21 16:46:19.754504+08 | 2022-06-21 16:46:19.769585+08 | 508696 | active | WLM fetch collect info from data nodes
 139653421840128 | 139653421840128 |                 0 |           0 | MogDB |      | postgres | JobScheduler           | 20
22-06-27 10:00:54.754007+08 |                               |      1 | active |
 139653044328192 | 139653044328192 | 48976645947655331 |  1772643515 | MogDB | -1   | dolphin  | gsql                   | 20
22-06-27 14:00:53.163338+08 | 2022-06-27 14:04:35.418518+08 |      0 | active | show processlist;
(9 rows)
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