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PG_COMM_RECV_STREAM displays the receiving stream status of all the communication libraries for a single node.

Table 1 PG_COMM_RECV_STREAM columns

Name Type Description
node_name text Node name
local_tid bigint ID of the thread using this stream
remote_name text Name of the peer node
remote_tid bigint Peer thread ID
idx integer Peer DN ID in the local DN
sid integer Stream ID in the physical connection
tcp_sock integer TCP socket used in the stream
state text Status of the stream
- UNKNOWN: The logical connection status is unknown.
- READY: The logical connection is ready.
- RUN: The logical connection sends packets normally.
- HOLD: The logical connection is waiting to send packets.
- CLOSED: The logical connection is closed.
- TO_CLOSED: The logical connection will be closed.
query_id bigint debug_query_id corresponding to the stream
pn_id integer plan_node_id of the query executed by the stream
send_smp integer smpid of the sender of the query executed by the stream
recv_smp integer smpid of the receiver of the query executed by the stream
recv_bytes bigint Total data volume received from the stream, in byte
time bigint Current lifecycle service duration of the stream, in ms
speed bigint Average receiving rate of the stream, in byte/s
quota bigint Current communication quota value of the stream, in byte
buff_usize bigint Current size of the data cache of the stream, in byte
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