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PG_USER provides information about database users. By default, only the initial user and users with the sysadmin attribute can view the information. Other users can view the information only after being granted permissions.

Table 1 PG_USER columns

Name Type Description
usename name Username
usesysid oid ID of this user
usecreatedb Boolean Whether the user has the permissions to create databases
usesuper Boolean whether the user is the initial system administrator with the highest rights
usecatupd Boolean whether the user can directly update system tables. Only the initial system administrator whose usesysid is 10 has this permission. It is unavailable for other users.
userepl Boolean Whether the user has the permissions to duplicate data streams
passwd text Encrypted user password. The value is displayed as ********.
valbegin timestamp with time zone Start time for account validity (null if no start time)
valuntil timestamp with time zone End time for account validity (null if no end time)
respool name Resource pool where the user is in
parent oid Parent user OID
spacelimit text Storage space of the permanent table
tempspacelimit text Storage space of the temporary table
spillspacelimit text Operator disk flushing space
useconfig text[] Session defaults for runtime configuration variables
nodegroup name Name of the logical MogDB associated with the user. If the user does not manage the logical MogDB, this parameter is left blank.
usemonitoradmin boolean Whether the user is a monitor administrator
- t (true): yes.
- f (false): no.
useoperatoradmin boolean Whether the user is an O&M administrator
- t (true): yes.
- f (false): no.
usepolicyadmin boolean Whether the user is a security policy administrator
- t (true): yes.
- f (false): no.
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