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MogDB 5.0.1

1. Version Description

MogDB 5.0.1 is a patch release for MogDB 5.0.0, released on August 15, 2023, which fixes some of the defects in MogDB 5.0.0 as follows.

2. New Features

Supports decoupling of views from their dependencies, so that views can be automatically compiled when their dependencies change by triggering conditions. This feature is made possible by the new SIGHUP level GUC parameter view_independent, which is disabled by default. A value of true for the parameter supports updating view dependencies individually; a value of false keeps the behavior forward-compatible, i.e., modifying a view dependency reports an error.

When this feature is enabled:

  1. view dependencies can be modified individually, such as modifying tables, modifying views, modifying functions, etc., without forcibly deleting the view;
  2. supports automatic compilation when querying the view or manually compiling the view through SQL statement (ALTER VIEW view_name COMPILE).

3. Fixed Defects

  1. Fixed the problem that inserting data for the first time using insert set statement in B-compatible type database schema will fail if there are backquotes in the value value.
  2. Fixed the problem of repeating package when executing gs_restore multiple times to restore the database.
  3. Fixed the problem that pg_probackup has wrong pid error log during execution.
  4. Fixed an issue where the node_name of the new node generated is incorrect when using ptk for scaling.
  5. Fixed the problem of inconsistent precision when user-defined functions return numeric types via out and return.
  6. Fixed the problem of using plancache (prepare, execute statements), and partition trimming and DDL operations concurrently, with a low probability of causing errors.
  7. Fixed the problem that the random function in the whale plug-in has no randomness.
  8. Fixed the problem that the subquery with order by leads to incorrect results.
  9. Fixed the problem that database initialization in PG compatibility mode reported an error.
  10. Fix the problem that the current_date function returns results that are not updated after being cached by the prepare statement.
  11. Fixed the problem that error occurs when having clause is placed in front of group by clause.
  12. Fixed the problem that the funcoid saved in DBE_PLDEBUGGER is incorrect.
  13. Fixed a problem where certain array series function calls would result in an error.
  14. Fixed a bug that when proc_outparam_override is turned on and there are multiple out parameters of type refcursor in the function parameters, an error occurs in the call method.
  15. Fixed the problem that the backup machine is down with low probability during log playback.
  16. Fixed the problem of inconsistency between return_number and return result in stored procedure.
  17. Fix an array out-of-bounds problem when masking passwords with escaped characters.

4. Compatibility

This version supports the following operating system and CPU architecture combinations.

OS CPU Architecture Note
CentOS 7.x X86_64 (Intel, AMD, Hygon, ZHAOXIN)
Redhat 7.x X86_64 (Intel, AMD, Hygon, ZHAOXIN)
openEuler 20.03LTS ARM (Kunpeng)、X86_64 (Intel, AMD, Hygon, ZHAOXIN)
Kylin V10 ARM (Kunpeng)、X86_64 (Intel, AMD, Hygon, ZHAOXIN) OM is not compatible with openssh-8.2p1-9.p06 or above (including p06, p07, p08, p09) in the Kylin V10 sp2 upgrade patch for now.
UOS V20-D / V20-E ARM (Kunpeng)、X86_64 (Intel, AMD, Hygon, ZHAOXIN)
UOS V20-A X86_64 (Intel, AMD, Hygon, ZHAOXIN)
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