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Global Temporary Table Functions

  • pg_get_gtt_relstats(relOid)

    Description: Displays basic information about a global temporary table specified by the current session.

    Parameter: OID of the global temporary table

    Return type: record


    MogDB=# select * from pg_get_gtt_relstats(74069);
     relfilenode | relpages | reltuples | relallvisible | relfrozenxid | relminmxid
           74069 |       58 |     13000 |             0 |        11151 |          0
    (1 row)
  • pg_get_gtt_statistics(relOid, attnum, "::text)

    Description: Displays statistics about a single column in a global temporary table specified by the current session.

    Parameter: OID and the attnum attribute of the global temporary table

    Return type: record


    MogDB=# select * from pg_get_gtt_statistics(74069,1,''::text);
     starelid | starelkind | staattnum | stainherit | stanullfrac | stawidth | stadistinct | stakind1 | stakind2 | stakind3 | stakind4 | stakind5 | staop1 | staop2 | staop3 | staop4 | staop5 | stanumbers1 | stanumbers2 | stanumbers3 | stanu
    mbers4 | stanumbers5 |
                                                                            | stavalues2 | stavalues3 | stavalues4 | stavalues5 | stadndistinct | staextinfo
        74069 | c          |         1 | f          |           0 |        4 |          -1 |        2 |        3 |        0 |        0 |        0 |     97 |     97 |      0 |      0 |      0 |             | {1}         |             |
           |             | {1,130,260,390,520,650,780,910,1040,1170,1300,1430,1560,1690,1820,1950,2080,2210,2340,2470,2600,2730,2860,2990,3120,3250,3380,3510,3640,3770,3900,4030,4160,4290,4420,4550,4680,4810,4940,5070,5200,5330,5460,5590,57
    1570,11700,11830,11960,12090,12220,12350,12480,12610,12740,12870,13000} |            |            |            |            |             0 |
    (1 row)
  • pg_gtt_attached_pid(relOid)

    Description: Displays PIDs of all threads that are using the specified global temporary table.

    Parameter: OID of the global temporary table

    Return type: record


    MogDB=# select * from pg_gtt_attached_pid(74069);
     relid |       pid
     74069 | 139648170456832
     74069 | 139648123270912
    (2 rows)
  • dbe_perf.get_global_full_sql_by_timestamp(start_timestamp timestamp, end_timestamp timestamp)

    Description: Obtains full SQL information at the instance level.

    Return type: record

    Table 1 dbe_perf.get_global_full_sql_by_timestamp parameter description

    Parameter Type Description
    start_timestamp timestamp Start point of the SQL start time range.
    end_timestamp timestamp End point of the SQL start time range.
  • dbe_perf.get_global_slow_sql_by_timestamp(start_timestamp timestamp, end_timestamp timestamp)

    Description: Obtains slow SQL information at the instance level.

    Return type: record

    Table 2 dbe_perf.get_global_slow_sql_by_timestamp parameter description

    Parameter Type Description
    start_timestamp timestamp Start point of the SQL start time range.
    end_timestamp timestamp End point of the SQL start time range.
  • statement_detail_decode(detail text, format text, pretty bool)

    Parses the details column in a full or slow SQL statement.

    Table 3 statement_detail_decode parameter description

    Parameter Type Description
    detail text Set of events generated by the SQL statement (unreadable).
    format text Parsing output format.
    The value is plaintext or json.
    pretty bool Whether to display the text in pretty format when format is set to plaintext.
    The options are as follows:
    - The value true indicates that events are separated by \n.
    - The value false indicates that events are separated by commas (,).
  • pg_list_gtt_relfrozenxids()

    Description: Displays the frozen XID of each session.

    If the value of pid is 0, the earliest frozen XID of all sessions is displayed.

    Parameter: none

    Return type: record


    MogDB=# select * from pg_list_gtt_relfrozenxids();
           pid       | relfrozenxid
     139648123270912 |        11151
     139648170456832 |        11155
                   0 |        11151
    (3 rows)
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