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Obtaining Help Information

You can run the –help command to obtain the help information. For example:

gs_dbmind component forecast --help
usage: forecast.py [-h] -c DIRECTORY [--metric-name METRIC_NAME] [--host HOST]
                   [--labels LABELS] [--start-time TIMESTAMP_IN_MICROSECONDS]
                   [--end-time TIMESTAMP_IN_MICROSECONDS]
                   [--retention-days DAYS] [--upper UPPER] [--lower LOWER]
                   [--warning-hours WARNING-HOURS]
                   [--csv-dump-path CSV_DUMP_PATH]

Workload Forecasting: Forecast monitoring metrics

positional arguments:
                        Choose a functionality to perform

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Set the directory of configuration files
  --metric-name METRIC_NAME
                        Set a metric name you want to retrieve
  --host HOST           Set a host you want to retrieve. IP only or IP with
  --labels LABELS       A list of label (format is label=name) separated by
                        comma(,). Using in warning.
                        Set a start time for retrieving, supporting UNIX-
                        timestamp with microsecond or datetime format
                        Set an end time for retrieving, supporting UNIX-
                        timestamp with microsecond or datetime format
  --retention-days DAYS
                        Clear historical diagnosis results and set the maximum
                        number of days to retain data
  --upper UPPER         The upper value of early-warning. Using in warning.
  --lower LOWER         The lower value of early-warning. Using in warning.
  --warning-hours WARNING-HOURS
                        warning length, unit is hour.
  --csv-dump-path CSV_DUMP_PATH
                        Dump the result CSV file to the path if it is
                        specified. Use in warning.
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