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GS_MODEL_WAREHOUSE stores AI engine training models, including the models and detailed description of the training process.

Table 1 GS_MODEL_WAREHOUSE columns

Name Data Type Description
oid oid Hidden column
modelname name Unique constraint
modelowner oid OID of a model owner
createtime timestamp Time when a model is created
processedtuples int Number of tuples involved in training
discardedtuples int Number of unqualified tuples not involved in training
preprocesstime real Data preprocessing time
exectime real Training duration
iterations int Iteration round
outputtype oid OID of the output data type
modeltype text AI operator type
query text Query statement executed to create a model
modeldata bytea Stored binary model information
weight real[] Currently, this column applies only to GD operator models.
hyperparametersnames text[] Involved hyperparameter name
hyperparametersvalues text[] Hyperparameter value
hyperparametersoids oid[] OID of the data type corresponding to a hyperparameter
coefnames text[] Model parameter
coefvalues text[] Value of a model parameter
coefoids oid[] OID of the data type corresponding to a model parameter
trainingscoresname text[] Method used to measure model performance
trainingscoresvalue real[] Value used to measure model performance
modeldescribe text[] Model description
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