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Schema Visibility Inquiry Functions

Each function performs the visibility check for one type of database object. For functions and operators, an object in the search path is visible if there is no object of the same name and parameter data type earlier in the path. For operator classes, both name and associated index access method are considered.

All these functions require object OIDs to identify the object to be checked. If you want to test an object by name, it is convenient to use the OID alias types (regclass, regtype, regprocedure, regoperator, regconfig, or regdictionary).

For example, a table is said to be visible if its containing schema is in the search path and no table of the same name appears earlier in the search path. This is equivalent to the statement that the table can be referenced by name without explicit schema qualification. For example, to list the names of all visible tables:

MogDB=# SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE pg_table_is_visible(oid);
  • pg_collation_is_visible(collation_oid)

    Description: Specifies whether the collation is visible in search path.

    Return type: Boolean

  • pg_conversion_is_visible(conversion_oid)

    Description: Specifies whether the conversion is visible in search path.

    Return type: Boolean

  • pg_function_is_visible(function_oid)

    Description: Specifies whether the function is visible in search path.

    Return type: Boolean

  • pg_opclass_is_visible(opclass_oid)

    Description: Specifies whether the operator class is visible in search path.

    Return type: Boolean

  • pg_operator_is_visible(operator_oid)

    Description: Specifies whether the operator is visible in search path.

    Return type: Boolean

  • pg_opfamily_is_visible(opclass_oid)

    Description: Specifies whether the operator family is visible in search path.

    Return type: Boolean

  • pg_table_is_visible(table_oid)

    Description: Specifies whether the table is visible in search path.

    Return type: Boolean

  • pg_ts_config_is_visible(config_oid)

    Description: Specifies whether the text search configuration is visible in search path.

    Return type: Boolean

  • pg_ts_dict_is_visible(dict_oid)

    Description: Specifies whether the text search dictionary is visible in search path.

    Return type: Boolean

  • pg_ts_parser_is_visible(parser_oid)

    Description: Specifies whether the text search parser is visible in search path.

    Return type: Boolean

  • pg_ts_template_is_visible(template_oid)

    Description: Specifies whether the text search template is visible in search path.

    Return type: Boolean

  • pg_type_is_visible(type_oid)

    Description: Specifies whether the type (or domain) is visible in search path.

    Return type: Boolean

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