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Automatic Job Retry upon Failure


This feature is available since MogDB 1.1.0.


If an error occurs in batch processing jobs due to network exceptions or deadlocks, failed jobs are automatically retried.


In common fault scenarios, such as network exception and deadlock, queries retry automatically in case of failure to improve database usability.


MogDB provides the job retry mechanism: gsql Retry.

  • The gsql retry mechanism uses a unique error code (SQL STATE) to identify an error that requires a retry. The function of the client tool gsql is enhanced. The error code configuration file retry_errcodes.conf is used to configure the list of errors that require a retry. The file is stored in the installation directory at the same level as gsql. gsql provides the \set RETRY [number] command to enable or disable the retry function. The number of retry times ranges from 5 to 10, and the default value is 5. When this function is enabled, gsql reads the preceding configuration file. The error retry controller records the error code list through the container. If an error occurs in the configuration file after the function is enabled, the controller sends the cached query statement to the server for retry until the query is successful or an error is reported when the number of retry times exceeds the maximum.




  • Functionality constraints:

    • Retrying increases execution success rate but does not guarantee success.
  • Error type constraints:

    Only the error types in Table 1 are supported.

    Table 1 Supported error types

    Error Type Error Code Remarks
    CONNECTION_RESET_BY_PEER YY001 TCP communication error. Print information: “Connection reset by peer”
    STREAM_CONNECTION_RESET_BY_PEER YY002 TCP communication error. Print information: “Stream connection reset by peer” (communication between DNs)
    LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT YY003 Lock wait timeout. Print information: “Lock wait timeout”
    CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT YY004 TCP communication error. Print information: “Connection timed out”
    SET_QUERY_ERROR YY005 Failed to deliver the SET command. Print information: “Set query error”
    OUT_OF_LOGICAL_MEMORY YY006 Failed to apply for memory. Print information: “Out of logical memory”
    SCTP_MEMORY_ALLOC YY007 SCTP communication error. Print information: “Memory allocate error”
    SCTP_NO_DATA_IN_BUFFER YY008 SCTP communication error. Print information: “SCTP no data in buffer”
    SCTP_RELEASE_MEMORY_CLOSE YY009 SCTP communication error. Print information: “Release memory close”
    SCTP_TCP_DISCONNECT YY010 SCTP and TCP communication error. Print information: “SCTP, TCP disconnect”
    SCTP_DISCONNECT YY011 SCTP communication error. Print information: “SCTP disconnect”
    SCTP_REMOTE_CLOSE YY012 SCTP communication error. Print information: “Stream closed by remote”
    SCTP_WAIT_POLL_UNKNOW YY013 Waiting for an unknown poll. Print information: “SCTP wait poll unknow”
    SNAPSHOT_INVALID YY014 Invalid snapshot. Print information: “Snapshot invalid”
    ERRCODE_CONNECTION_RECEIVE_WRONG YY015 Failed to receive a connection. Print information: “Connection receive wrong”
    OUT_OF_MEMORY 53200 Out of memory. Print information: “Out of memory”
    CONNECTION_EXCEPTION 08000 Failed to communicate with DNs due to connection errors. Print information: “Connection exception”
    ADMIN_SHUTDOWN 57P01 System shutdown by the administrator. Print information: “Admin shutdown”
    STREAM_REMOTE_CLOSE_SOCKET XX003 Remote socket disabled. Print information: “Stream remote close socket”
    ERRCODE_STREAM_DUPLICATE_QUERY_ID XX009 Duplicate query. Print information: “Duplicate query id”
    ERRCODE_STREAM_CONCURRENT_UPDATE YY016 Concurrent stream query and update. Print information: “Stream concurrent update”
  • Statement type constraints:

    Support single-statement stored procedures, functions, and anonymous blocks. Statements in transaction blocks are not supported.

  • Statement constraints of a stored procedure:

    • If an error occurs during the execution of a stored procedure containing EXCEPTION (including statement block execution and statement execution in EXCEPTION), the stored procedure can be retried. If the error is captured by EXCEPTION, the stored procedure cannot be retried.
    • Advanced packages that use global variables are not supported.
    • DBE_TASK is not supported.
    • PKG_UTIL file operation is not supported.
  • Data import constraints:

    • The COPY FROM STDIN statement is not supported.
    • The gsql \copy from metacommand is not supported.
    • Data cannot be imported using JDBC CopyManager copyIn.


Valid only if the gsql tool works normally and the error list is correctly configured.


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