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PQexecPreparedBatch is used to send a request to execute a prepared statement with batches of given parameters and wait for the result.


PGresult* PQexecPreparedBatch(PGconn* conn,
                              const char* stmtName,
                              int nParams,
                              int nBatchCount,
                              const char* const* paramValues,
                              const int* paramLengths,
                              const int* paramFormats,
                              int resultFormat);


Table 1

Keyword Parameter Description
conn Connection handle.
stmtName stmt name, which can be set to "" or NULL to reference an unnamed statement. Otherwise, it must be the name of an existing prepared statement.
nParams Parameter quantity.
nBatchCount Number of batches.
paramValues Actual values of parameters.
paramLengths Actual data lengths of parameters.
paramFormats Parameter formats (text or binary).
resultFormat Return result format (text or binary).

Return Value

PGresult pointers

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