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ALTER VIEW modifies all auxiliary attributes of a view. (To modify the query definition of a view, use CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW.)


Only the view owner or a user granted with the ALTER permission can run the ALTER VIEW command. The system administrator has this permission by default. The following is permission constraints depending on attributes to be modified:

  • To modify the schema of a view, you must be the owner of the view or system administrator and have the CREATE permission on the new schema.
  • To modify the owner of a view, you must be the owner of the view or system administrator and a member of the new owner role, with the CREATE permission on the schema of the view.


  • Set the default value of a view column.

    AlterView ::= ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] view_name
        ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name SET DEFAULT expression;
  • Remove the default value of a view column.

    AlterView ::= ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] view_name
        ALTER [ COLUMN ] column_name DROP DEFAULT;
  • Change the owner of a view.

    AlterView ::= ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] view_name
        OWNER TO new_owner;
  • Rename a view.

    AlterView ::= ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] view_name
        RENAME TO new_name;
  • Set the schema of a view.

    AlterView ::= ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] view_name
        SET SCHEMA new_schema;
  • Set the options of a view.

    AlterView ::= ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] view_name
        SET ( { view_option_name [ = view_option_value ] } [, ... ] );
  • Reset the options of a view.

    AlterView ::= ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] view_name
        RESET ( view_option_name [, ... ] );
  • Set the definition of a view. (This syntax can be used only in B-compatible mode.)

    AlterView ::= ALTER [DEFINER = user] VIEW view_name [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ]
        [ WITH ( {view_option_name [= view_option_value]} [, ... ] ) ]
        AS query;
  • Manually compile a view.

    ALTER VIEW [ IF EXISTS ] view_name

Parameter Description


    If this option is used, no error is generated when the view does not exist, and only a message is displayed.

  • view_name

    Specifies the view name, which can be schema-qualified.

    Value range: a string. It must comply with the naming convention.

  • column_name

    Specifies an optional list of names to be used for columns of the view. If not given, the column names are deduced from the query.

    Value range: a string. It must comply with the naming convention rule.


    Sets or deletes the default value of a column. This parameter does not take effect.

  • new_owner

    Specifies the new owner of a view.

  • new_name

    Specifies the new view name.

  • new_schema

    Specifies the new schema of the view.

  • view_option_name [ = view_option_value ]

    Specifies an optional parameter for a view.

    Currently, view_option_name supports only the security_barrier parameter. This parameter is used when the view attempts to provide row-level security.

    Value range: Boolean type, TRUE, and FALSE.


    MogDB 5.0.1 introduces the decoupling feature between views and their dependencies, which supports modifying the base table separately, and after modifying it, the upper view can be recompiled according to the definition, and the view can still be queried normally in the case of successful compilation. To compile a view using this syntax, you need to enable the view_independent parameter.


-- Create a view consisting of rows with c_customer_sk less than 150.
MogDB=# CREATE VIEW tpcds.customer_details_view_v1 AS
    SELECT * FROM tpcds.customer
    WHERE c_customer_sk < 150;

-- Rename a view.
MogDB=# ALTER VIEW tpcds.customer_details_view_v1 RENAME TO customer_details_view_v2;

-- Change the schema of a view.
MogDB=# ALTER VIEW tpcds.customer_details_view_v2 SET schema public;

-- Delete a view.
MogDB=# DROP VIEW public.customer_details_view_v2;


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