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Support for Importing and Exporting Specific Objects


This feature is available as of MogDB 5.0.8.


This feature supports the logical backup tool (gs_dump) and the restore tool (gs_restore) to specify the import and export of packages, functions, procedures, triggers, and types.


Enhances the capabilities of logical backup and restore tools, improving the usability of MogDB.


gs_dump supports the export of specified basic objects

New command-line parameters have been added to specify the backup and export of specific objects, enabling the export functionality for packages, functions, procedures, triggers, and types.

  • You can specify one or more of these five basic objects;
  • Multiple parameter names can be specified for the same basic object (e.g., --trigger name1 --trigger name2);
  • Only the specified objects are exported, regardless of the object's dependencies;
  • For triggers, both the definition and the associated functions that trigger the action must be exported;
  • The exported backup files can be imported using the gs_restore tool;
  • It does not affect the settings of existing parameters.

Usage Instructions

-- Specify exporting a trigger
gs_dump -f backup_dir/filename -F p --trigger trigger_name

-- Specify exporting a function
gs_dump -f backup_dir/filename -F p --function function_name(args)

-- Specify exporting a type
gs_dump -f backup_dir/filename -F p --type type_name

-- Specify exporting a package
gs_dump -f backup_dir/filename -F p --package package_name

-- Specify exporting a procedure
gs_dump -f backup_dir/filename -F p --procedure procedure_name(args)
  • --trigger trigger_name

    Specify the trigger for export

  • --function function_name(args)

    Specify the function for export

  • --type type_name

    Specify the type for export

  • --package package_name

    Specify the package for export

  • --procedure procedure_name(args)

    Specify the procedure for export

gs_restore supports the import of specified basic objects

New command-line parameters have been added to specify the backup and import of specific objects, enabling the import functionality for packages, functions, procedures, triggers, and types.

  • It supports importing custom archive formats, directory archive formats, and tar archive formats;
  • Only the specified objects are imported, regardless of the object's dependencies;
  • It supports importing specified types of objects from a full backup;
  • It supports importing specified objects from an archive file exported with gs_dump;
  • You can specify one or more of these five basic objects;
  • Multiple parameter names can be specified for the same basic object (e.g., --trigger name1 --trigger name2);
  • It does not affect the settings of existing parameters.

Usage Instructions

-- Specify importing a trigger
gs_restore backup/MPPDB_backup.tar -p 8000 -d backupdb -e -T trigger_name
-- or
gs_restore backup/MPPDB_backup.tar -p 8000 -d backupdb -e --trigger trigger_name

-- Specify importing a function
gs_restore backup/MPPDB_backup.tar -p 8000 -d backupdb -e -P function_name(args)
-- or
gs_restore backup/MPPDB_backup.tar -p 8000 -d backupdb -e --function function_name(args)

-- Specify importing a type
gs_restore backup/MPPDB_backup.tar -p 8000 -d backupdb -e --type type_name

-- Specify importing a package
gs_restore backup/MPPDB_backup.tar -p 8000 -d backupdb -e --package package_name

-- Specify importing a procedure
gs_restore backup/MPPDB_backup.tar -p 8000 -d backupdb -e --procedure procedure_name(args)
  • -T, --trigger trigger_name

    Specify the trigger for import

  • -P, --function function_name(args)

    Specify the function for import

  • --type type_name

    Specify the type for import

  • --package package_name

    Specify the package for import

  • --procedure procedure_name(args)

    Specify the procedure for import


For functions and stored procedures with parameters, the parameter types must be specified.

For example, define a function func(a INTEGER, b INTEGER), the function name should be indicated as: "func(integer, integer)"

To ensure compatibility with other SQL syntax, the database may convert certain parameter types to another type, for example, VARCHAR2 will be converted to character varying, func(a INTEGER, table_name IN VARCHAR2) will be converted to: "func(integer, character varying)". To ensure the correct input of parameter types, you can use the following SQL statement to query the function parameter types in the database:

SELECT p.proname AS function_name,
p.proargtypes AS parameter_types,
pg_catalog.pg_get_function_identity_arguments(p.oid) AS funcargs
WHERE p.proname  = 'func_gs_dump_0001';

Query results:

function name      |   parameter types   |     funcargs
func gs dump 0001  | 1043                | table name character varing

Through the SQL statement, you can check that the parameter type of func_gs_dump_0001 is character varying, so the correct object name is "func_gs_dump_0001(character varying)".


-- Export a trigger named update_time
gs_dump -f backup_dir/db.sql -F p --trigger update_time

-- Import a trigger named update_time
gs_restore backup/MPPDB_backup.tar -p 8000 -d backupdb -e --trigger update_time

gs_dump, gs_restore

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