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Command Reference

For details about how to use reprocessing-exporter, see the following help information:

gs_dbmind component reprocessing_exporter --help
usage:  [-h] [--disable-https] [--ssl-keyfile SSL_KEYFILE] [--ssl-certfile SSL_CERTFILE] [--ssl-ca-file SSL_CA_FILE] [--web.listen-address WEB.LISTEN_ADDRESS] [--web.listen-port WEB.LISTEN_PORT]
        [--collector.config COLLECTOR.CONFIG] [--log.filepath LOG.FILEPATH] [--log.level {debug,info,warn,error,fatal}] [-v]
        prometheus_host prometheus_port

Reprocessing Exporter: A re-processing module for metrics stored in the Prometheus server.

positional arguments:
  prometheus_host       from which host to pull data
  prometheus_port       the port to connect to the Prometheus host

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --disable-https       disable Https scheme
  --ssl-keyfile SSL_KEYFILE
                        set the path of ssl key file
  --ssl-certfile SSL_CERTFILE
                        set the path of ssl certificate file
  --ssl-ca-file SSL_CA_FILE
                        set the path of ssl ca file
  --web.listen-address WEB.LISTEN_ADDRESS
                        address on which to expose metrics and web interface
  --web.listen-port WEB.LISTEN_PORT
                        listen port to expose metrics and web interface
  --collector.config COLLECTOR.CONFIG
                        according to the content of the yaml file for metric collection
  --log.filepath LOG.FILEPATH
                        the path to log
  --log.level {debug,info,warn,error,fatal}
                        only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

Table 1 reprocessing-exporter parameters

Parameter Description Value Range
prometheus_host Prometheus-server IP address -
prometheus_port Listening port of Prometheus-server 1024-65535
-h, --help Help option -
--disable-https Disables HTTPS. -
--ssl-keyfile Path of the HTTPS certificate private key file -
--ssl-certfile Path of the HTTPS certificate file -
--ssl-ca-file Path of the HTTPS CA certificate file
--web.listen-address IP address bound to the exporter service -
--web.listen-port Listening port of the exporter service 1024-65535
--collector.config Path of the configuration file that explicitly specifies the metrics to be collected -
--log.filepath Path for storing log files. By default, log files are stored in the current directory. -
--log.level Printing level of the log file. The default level is INFO. debug, info, warn, error, fatal
--version Displays version information. -

For details about how to use openGauss-exporter, see the following help information:

gs_dbmind component opengauss_exporter --help
usage:  [-h] --url URL [--config-file CONFIG_FILE] [--include-databases INCLUDE_DATABASES] [--exclude-databases EXCLUDE_DATABASES] [--constant-labels CONSTANT_LABELS]
        [--web.listen-address WEB.LISTEN_ADDRESS] [--web.listen-port WEB.LISTEN_PORT] [--disable-cache] [--disable-settings-metrics]
        [--disable-statement-history-metrics] [--disable-https] [--disable-agent] [--ssl-keyfile SSL_KEYFILE] [--ssl-certfile SSL_CERTFILE] [--ssl-ca-file SSL_CA_FILE] [--parallel PARALLEL]
        [--log.filepath LOG.FILEPATH] [--log.level {debug,info,warn,error,fatal}] [-v]

openGauss Exporter (DBMind): Monitoring or controlling for openGauss.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url URL             openGauss database target url. It is recommended to connect to the postgres database through this URL, so that the exporter can actively discover and monitor other databases.
  --config-file CONFIG_FILE, --config CONFIG_FILE
                        path to config file.
  --include-databases INCLUDE_DATABASES
                        only scrape metrics from the given database list. a list of label=value separated by comma(,).
  --exclude-databases EXCLUDE_DATABASES
                        scrape metrics from the all auto-discovered databases excluding the list of database. a list of label=value separated by comma(,).
  --constant-labels CONSTANT_LABELS
                        a list of label=value separated by comma(,).
  --web.listen-address WEB.LISTEN_ADDRESS
                        address on which to expose metrics and web interface
  --web.listen-port WEB.LISTEN_PORT
                        listen port to expose metrics and web interface
  --disable-cache       force not using cache.
                        not collect pg_settings.yml metrics.
                        not collect statement-history metrics (including slow queries).
  --disable-https       disable Https scheme
  --disable-agent       by default, this exporter also assumes the role of DBMind-Agent, that is, executing database operation and maintenance actions issued by the DBMind service. With this argument,
                        users can disable the agent functionality, thereby prohibiting the DBMind service from making changes to the database.
  --ssl-keyfile SSL_KEYFILE
                        set the path of ssl key file
  --ssl-certfile SSL_CERTFILE
                        set the path of ssl certificate file
  --ssl-ca-file SSL_CA_FILE
                        set the path of ssl ca file
  --parallel PARALLEL   not collect pg_settings.yml metrics.
  --log.filepath LOG.FILEPATH
                        the path to log
  --log.level {debug,info,warn,error,fatal}
                        only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

Table 2 openGauss-exporter parameters

Parameter Description Value Range
--url URL of the database server, for example, postgres://user:pwd@host:port/dbname. If the URL contains special characters (such as @ and /), the special characters must be escaped through URL encoding. For example, the at sign (@) in the password must be escaped to %40, and the slash (/) must be escaped to %2F. Otherwise, the meaning of each column will be incorrectly identified and segmented. For details about the escape rules, see the encoding escape rules. The URL address rule complies with the RFC-1738 standard.
--constant-labels Constant list in format of k=v . Constants are separated by commas (,), indicating the constant labels of the exporter. The format is cluster_name=demo,cluster_id=1.
-h, --help Help option -
--disable-https Disables HTTPS. -
--ssl-keyfile Path of the HTTPS certificate private key file -
--ssl-certfile Path of the HTTPS certificate file -
--ssl-ca-file Path of the HTTPS CA certificate file
--web.listen-address IP address bound to the exporter service -
--web.listen-port Listening port of the exporter service 1024-65535
--config, --config-file Path of the configuration file that explicitly specifies the metrics to be collected -
--log.filepath Path for storing log files. By default, log files are stored in the current directory. -
--log.level Printing level of the log file. The default level is INFO. debug, info, warn, error, fatal
--version Displays version information. -
--disable-cache Disables the cache. -
--disable-settings-metrics Disables the collection of metrics in the pg_settings table. -
--disable-statement-history-metrics Disables the collection of slow SQL statements in the statement_history table. -
--disable-agent Disables the agent behavior. -
--include-databases Indicates the name of the database whose data is to be collected. If multiple databases are specified, separate them with commas (,). -
--exclude-databases Indicates the name of the database that is not monitored. If multiple databases are specified, separate them with commas (,).. -
--parallel Size of the database connection pool connected to openGauss. Positive integer

For details about how to use cmd-exporter, see the following help information:

usage:  [-h] [--constant-labels CONSTANT_LABELS]
                   [--web.listen-address WEB.LISTEN_ADDRESS]
                   [--web.listen-port WEB.LISTEN_PORT]
                   [--config CONFIG] [--ssl-keyfile SSL_KEYFILE]
                   [--ssl-certfile SSL_CERTFILE] [--ssl-ca-file SSL_CA_FILE]
                   [--parallel PARALLEL] [--log.filepath LOG.FILEPATH]
                   [--log.level {debug,info,warn,error,fatal}] [-v]

Command Exporter (DBMind): scrape metrics by performing shell commands.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --constant-labels CONSTANT_LABELS
                        a list of label=value separated by comma(,).
  --web.listen-address WEB.LISTEN_ADDRESS
                        address on which to expose metrics and web interface
  --web.listen-port WEB.LISTEN_PORT
                        listen port to expose metrics and web interface
  --disable-https       disable Https scheme
  --config CONFIG       path to config dir or file.
  --ssl-keyfile SSL_KEYFILE
                        set the path of ssl key file
  --ssl-certfile SSL_CERTFILE
                        set the path of ssl certificate file
  --ssl-ca-file SSL_CA_FILE
                        set the path of ssl ca file
  --parallel PARALLEL   performing shell command in parallel.
  --log.filepath LOG.FILEPATH
                        the path to log
  --log.level {debug,info,warn,error,fatal}
                        only log messages with the given severity or above.
                        Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

Table 3 cmd-exporter parameters

Parameter Description Value Range
-h, --help Help option. -
--disable-https Disables HTTPS. -
--ssl-keyfile Path of the HTTPS certificate private key file. -
--ssl-certfile Path of the HTTPS certificate file. -
--ssl-ca-file Path of the HTTPS CA certificate file.
--web.listen-address IP address bound to the exporter service. -
--web.listen-port Listening port of the exporter service. 1024-65535
--config Path of the configuration file that explicitly specifies the metrics to be collected. The default.yml file in the yamls directory of this function is used by default. You can refer to the configuration file format. If the configuration is incorrect, an error is reported.
--log.filepath Path for storing log files. By default, log files are stored in the current directory. -
--log.level Printing level of the log file. The default level is INFO. debug, info, warn, error, fatal
--parallel Concurrency of executing shell commands in parallel. Positive integer
--constant-labels Constant list in format of k=v . Constants are separated by commas (,), indicating the constant labels of the exporter. The format is cluster_name=demo,cluster_id=1.
--version Displays the version information. -
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