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PG_SHADOW displays properties of all roles that are marked as rolcanlogin in PG_AUTHID.

The name stems from the fact that this view should not be readable by the public since it contains passwords. PG_USER is a publicly readable view on PG_SHADOW that blanks out the password column.

Table 1 PG_SHADOW columns

Name Type Reference Description
usename name PG_AUTHID.rolname Username
usesysid oid PG_AUTHID.oid ID of this user
usecreatedb Boolean - Indicates that the user can create databases.
usesuper Boolean - Indicates that the user is an administrator.
usecatupd Boolean - Users can update a view. Even the system administrator cannot do this unless this column is true.
userepl Boolean - User can initiate streaming replication and put the system in and out of backup mode.
passwd text - Password (possibly encrypted); null if none. See PG_AUTHID for details about how encrypted passwords are stored.
valbegin timestamp with time zone - Account validity period start time (null if no start time)
valuntil timestamp with time zone - Password expiry time (null if no expiration)
respool name - Resource pool used by the user
parent oid - Parent resource pool
spacelimit text - Storage space of the permanent table
tempspacelimit text - Storage space of the temporary table
spillspacelimit text - Operator disk flushing space
useconfig text[ ] - Session defaults for runtime configuration variables
usemonitoradmin Boolean - Whether the user is a monitor administrator
- t (true): yes.
- f (false): no.
useoperatoradmin Boolean - Whether the user is an O&M administrator
- t (true): yes.
- f (false): no.
usepolicyadmin Boolean - Whether the user is a security policy administrator
- t (true): yes.
- f (false): no.
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