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CREATE SUBSCRIPTION adds a new subscription to the current database. Only the system administrator can create a subscription. The subscription name must be different from that of any existing subscription in the database. A subscription represents a replication connection to a publisher. Therefore, this command not only adds definitions to the local system catalog, but also creates replication slots on the publication side. When the transaction that runs this command is committed, the logical replication thread is started to replicate the newly subscribed data.


When a replication slot is created (default behavior), CREATE SUBSCRIPTION cannot be executed in a transaction block. Currently, a maximum of 65,534 subscriptions (including enabled and disabled subscriptions) are supported.


CreateSubscription ::= CREATE SUBSCRIPTION subscription_name
    CONNECTION 'conninfo'
    PUBLICATION publication_name [, ...]
    [ WITH ( { subscription_parameter [= value] } [, ... ] ) ]

Parameter Description

  • subscription_name

    Specifies the name of a new subscription.

  • CONNECTION 'conninfo'

    Specifies the character string for connecting to the publication side.

    For example, 'host=, port=10000,20000 dbname=postgres user=repusr1 password=password_123'.

    • host

      IP address of the publisher. You can specify the IP addresses of the primary and standby nodes of the publisher at the same time. If multiple IP addresses are specified, separate them with commas (,).

    • port

      The port number of the publication side cannot be the primary port number. The port number must be the primary port number plus 1. Otherwise, the port number conflicts with the thread pool.

      img CAUTION: The number of hosts must be the same as that of ports.

    • dbname

      Specifies the database where a publication is located.

    • user and password

      Specify the username and password used to connect to the publication side. The user has the system administrator permission (SYSADMIN) or O&M administrator permission (OPRADMIN). The password must be encrypted. Before creating a subscription, run the gs_guc generate -S xxxxxx -D $GAUSSHOME/bin -o subscription command on the subscription side.

  • PUBLICATION publication_name

    Specifies the name of the publication to be subscribed to on the publication side. A subscription can correspond to multiple publications.

  • WITH ( { subscription_parameter [= value] } [, ... ] )

    Specifies the optional parameters for a subscription. The following parameters are supported:

    • copy_data (boolean)

      Determines whether to copy existing data in the publication that is being subscribed to after copy starts. The default value is true.

    • enabled (boolean)

      Specifies whether a subscription should be actively replicated, or whether it should be just set but not started. The default value is true.

    • slot_name (string)

      Specifies the name of the replication slot to be used. By default, the subscription name is used as the replication slot name.

      If enabled is set to false during subscription creation, slot_name is forcibly set to NONE which indicates a null value. In this case, the replication slot does not exist even if the value of slot_name is specified.

    • synchronous_commit (enum)

      The value of this parameter overwrites the value of synchronous_commit. The default value is off.

      It is safe to use the value off for logical replication. If the subscription side loses the transaction due to a lack of synchronization, the data is sent again from the publisher. A different setting may be appropriate for synchronous logical replication. The logical replication thread reports the locations of WRITE and REFRESH operations to the publication side. When synchronous replication is used, the publication side waits for the actual REFRESH operations. This means that setting the subscriber's synchronous_commit to on when the subscription is used for synchronous replication may increase the latency of COMMIT on the publication server. In this case, it is advantageous to set synchronous_commit to local or a higher value.

    • binary (boolean)

      Specifies whether the subscription is sent by the publisher in binary format. The value true indicates that the data is sent in binary format, and the value false indicates that the data is sent in the default text format. Default value: false

    • connect (boolean)

      Specifies whether to connect to the publisher during CREATE SUBSCRIPTION. If this parameter is set to false, enabled and copy_data are also set to false by default. The default value is true.

      Do not set enabled or copy_data to true when connect is set to false.

      When this option is set to false, no connection is established and the table is not subscribed to. Therefore, when subscription is enabled, no content is copied. You need to run the ALTER SUBSCRIPTION... REFRESH PUBLICATION statement to subscribe to tables.


-- Create a subscription to a remote server, replicate tables in the mypublication and insert_only publications, and start replication immediately upon commit.
         CONNECTION 'host= port=5432 user=foo dbname=foodb password=xxxx'
        PUBLICATION mypublication, insert_only;
-- Create a subscription to a remote server, replicate the tables in the insert_only publication, and do not start replication immediately until it is enabled later.
         CONNECTION 'host= port=5432 user=foo dbname=foodb password=xxxx '
        PUBLICATION insert_only
               WITH (enabled = false);
-- Modify the connection information of a subscription.
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION mysub CONNECTION 'host= port=5432 user=foo dbname=foodb password=xxxx';
-- Enable a subscription.
ALTER SUBSCRIPTION mysub SET(enabled=true);
-- Delete a subscription.


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