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Internal Functions(2)

  • Internal functions for aggregation operations

    array_agg_finalfn array_agg_transfn bytea_string_agg_finalfn bytea_string_agg_transfn date_list_agg_noarg2_transfn date_list_agg_transfn float4_list_agg_noarg2_transfn
    float4_list_agg_transfn float8_list_agg_noarg2_transfn float8_list_agg_transfn int2_list_agg_noarg2_transfn int2_list_agg_transfn int4_list_agg_noarg2_transfn int4_list_agg_transfn
    int8_list_agg_noarg2_transfn int8_list_agg_transfn interval_list_agg_noarg2_transfn interval_list_agg_transfn list_agg_finalfn list_agg_noarg2_transfn list_agg_transfn
    median_float8_finalfn median_interval_finalfn median_transfn mode_final numeric_list_agg_noarg2_transfn numeric_list_agg_transfn ordered_set_transition
    percentile_cont_float8_final percentile_cont_interval_final string_agg_finalfn string_agg_transfn timestamp_list_agg_noarg2_transfn timestamp_list_agg_transfn timestamptz_list_agg_noarg2_transfn
    timestamptz_list_agg_transfn checksumtext_agg_transfn - - - - -
    json_agg_finalfn json_agg_transfn json_object_agg_finalfn json_object_agg_transfn - - -
  • Hash internal functions

    hashbeginscan hashbuild hashbuildempty hashbulkdelete hashcostestimate hashendscan hashgetbitmap
    hashgettuple hashinsert hashmarkpos hashmerge hashrescan hashrestrpos hashvacuumcleanup
    hashvarlena - - - - - -
  • Internal functions of the B-tree index

    cbtreebuild cbtreecanreturn cbtreecostestimate cbtreegetbitmap cbtreegettuple btbeginscan btbuild
    btbuildempty btbulkdelete btcanreturn btcostestimate btendscan btfloat4sortsupport btfloat8sortsupport
    btgetbitmap btgettuple btinsert btint2sortsupport btint4sortsupport btint8sortsupport btmarkpos
    btmerge btnamesortsupport btrescan btrestrpos bttextsortsupport btvacuumcleanup cbtreeoptions
  • Internal functions of the GiST index

    gist_box_compress gist_box_consistent gist_box_decompress gist_box_penalty gist_box_picksplit gist_box_same gist_box_union
    gist_circle_compress gist_circle_consistent gist_point_compress gist_point_consistent gist_point_distance gist_poly_compress gist_poly_consistent
    gistbeginscan gistbuild gistbuildempty gistbulkdelete gistcostestimate gistendscan gistgetbitmap
    gistinsert gistmarkpos gistmerge gistrescan gistrestrpos gistvacuumcleanup range_gist_compress
    range_gist_decompress range_gist_penalty range_gist_picksplit range_gist_same range_gist_union spg_kd_choose spg_kd_config
    spg_kd_picksplit spg_quad_choose spg_quad_config spg_quad_inner_consistent spg_quad_leaf_consistent spg_quad_picksplit spg_text_choose
    spg_text_inner_consistent spg_text_leaf_consistent spg_text_picksplit spgbeginscan spgbuild spgbuildempty spgbulkdelete
    spgcostestimate spgendscan spggetbitmap spggettuple spginsert spgmarkpos spgmerge
    spgrestrpos spgvacuumcleanup - - - - -
  • Internal functions of the GIN index

    gin_cmp_prefix gin_extract_tsquery gin_tsquery_consistent gin_tsquery_triconsistent ginarrayconsistent ginarrayextract ginarraytriconsistent
    ginbeginscan ginbuild ginbuildempty ginbulkdelete gincostestimate ginendscan gingetbitmap
    gininsert ginmarkpos ginmerge ginqueryarrayextract ginrescan ginrestrpos ginvacuumcleanup
    cginbuild cgingetbitmap - - - - -
    gin_compare_jsonb gin_consistent_jsonb gin_consistent_jsonb_hash gin_extract_jsonbgin_extract_jsonb_hash cginbuild gin_extract_jsonb_query gin_triconsistent_jsonb
  • Internal functions of the Psort index

    psortbuild psortcanreturn psortcostestimate psortgetbitmap psortgettuple
  • Internal functions of the UBTree index

    ubtbeginscan ubtbuild ubtbuildempty ubtbulkdelete ubtcanreturn
    ubtcostestimate ubtendscan ubtgetbitmap ubtgettuple ubtinsert
    ubtmarkpos ubtmerge ubtoptions ubtrescan ubtrestrpos
  • plpgsql internal function


  • Set-related internal functions

    array_indexby_delete array_indexby_length array_integer_deleteidx array_integer_exists array_integer_first array_integer_last
    array_integer_next array_integer_prior array_varchar_deleteidx array_varchar_exists array_varchar_first array_varchar_last
    array_varchar_next array_varchar_prior - - - -
  • External table-related internal functions

    dist_fdw_handler roach_handler streaming_fdw_handler dist_fdw_validator file_fdw_handler file_fdw_validator log_fdw_handler
  • Auxiliary function for the primary database node to remotely read the data page from the standby database node.

    gs_read_block_from_remote is used to read the pages of a non-segment-page table file. By default, only the initial user can view the data. Other users can use the data only after being granted with permissions.

    gs_read_binary_file_blocks is used to read data. Non-compressed tables return actual data, and compressed tables return compressed data. By default, only the initial user can view the data. Other users can use the data only after being granted with permissions.

    gs_read_segment_block_from_remote is used to read the pages of a segment-page table file. By default, only the initial user can view the data. Other users can use the data only after being granted with permissions.

  • Auxiliary function for the primary database node to remotely read the data file from the standby database node.

    The gs_read_file_from_remote command is used to read a specified file. After obtaining the file size using the gs_read_file_size_from_remote function, gs_repair_file reads the remote file segment by segment using this function. By default, only the initial user can view the data. Other users can use the data only after being granted with permissions.

    The gs_read_file_size_from_remote command is used to read the size of a specified file. This command is used to read the size of a specified file. Before using the gs_repair_file function to repair a file, you need to obtain the size of the file from the remote end to verify the missing file information and repair the missing files one by one. By default, only the initial user can view the data. Other users can use the data only after being granted with permissions.

  • Ledger database functions


  • AI feature functions

    create_snapshot create_snapshot_internal prepare_snapshot_internal prepare_snapshot manage_snapshot_internal archive_snapshot publish_snapshot
    purge_snapshot_internal purge_snapshot sample_snapshot - - - -
  • Functions of PKG_SERVICE

    isubmit_on_nodes submit_on_nodes - - - - -
  • Other functions

    to_tsvector_for_batch value_of_percentile session_context bind_variable job_update job_cancel job_finish
    similar_escape table_skewness (unavailable) timetz_text time_text reltime_text abstime_text _pg_keysequal
    analyze_query(unavailable) analyze_workload (unavailable) ssign_table_type gs_comm_proxy_thread_status gs_txid_oldestxmin pg_cancel_session pg_stat_segment_space_info
    remote_segment_space_info set_cost_params set_weight_params start_collect_workload tdigest_in tdigest_merge tdigest_merge_to_one
    tdigest_mergep tdigest_out pg_get_delta_info disable_conn - - -
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