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PGXC_SLICE is a system catalog created for recording range distribution and list distribution details. Currently, range interval cannot be used to automatically scale out shards. It is reserved in the system catalog.

The PGXC_SLICE system catalog has specific meanings only in distributed scenarios. MogDB can only query the table definition.

Table 1 PGXC_SLICE columns

Name Type Description
relname name Table name or shard name, which is distinguished by type.
type char When the value is t, relname indicates the table name. When the value is s, relname indicates the shard name.
strategy char - r: range distribution table
- l: list distribution table
This value will be extended for subsequent interval shards.
relid oid OID of the distribution table to which the tuple belongs.
referenceoid oid OID of the referenced distribution table, which is used for slice reference table creation syntax.
sindex int Position of the current boundary in a shard when the table is a list distribution table.
interval text[] Reserved column
transitboundary text[] Reserved column
transitno int Reserved column
nodeoid oid When relname is set to a shard name, nodeoid indicates the OID of the DN where the shard data is stored.
boundaries text[] When relname is set to a shard name, this parameter indicates the boundary value of the shard.
specified boolean Whether the DN corresponding to the current segment is explicitly specified in the DDL.
sliceorder int User-defined shard sequence.
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