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PG_STAT_BAD_BLOCK shows statistics about Page or CU verification failures after a node is started.

Table 1 PG_STAT_BAD_BLOCK columns

Name Type Description
nodename text Node name
databaseid integer OID of a database
tablespaceid integer Tablespace OID
relfilenode integer File object ID
bucketid smallint ID of the bucket for consistent hashing
forknum integer File type. The values are as follows:
- 0: main data file
- 1: FSM file
- 2: VM file
- 3: BCM file
If the value is greater than 4, it indicates a data file of each column in a column-store table.
error_count integer Number of verification failures
first_time timestamp with time zone Time of the first verification failure
last_time timestamp with time zone Time of the latest verification failure
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