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Connection Settings

This section describes parameters related to client-server connection modes.


Parameter description: This parameter controls whether the server uses lightweight communication methods.

This parameter specifies whether the server uses lightweight locking and non-blocking socket-based communication. This parameter is a POSTMASTER parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1 GUC parameters.

Value range:

  • ON / TRUE: Indicates the use of lightweight communication methods
  • OFF / FALSE: Indicates that the lightweight communication method is not used.

Default value: OFF / FALSE


Parameter description: Specifies the TCP/IP addresses that a server listens to for connections from the client. This parameter specifies the IP address used by the MogDB server to listen on, such as IPv4 address or IPv6 address(if supported). A server may have multiple NICs, and each NIC can be bound with multiple IP address. This parameter specifies the IP addresses which the MogDB server is bound. And the client can use the IP address specified in this parameter to connect to MogDB or send requests to MogDB.

This parameter is a SIGHUP parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1 GUC parameters.

Value range:

  • Host name or IP address. Multiple values are separated with commas (,).
  • Asterisk * or, indicating that all IP addresses will be listened to, which is not recommended due to potential security risks. This parameter must be used together with valid addresses (for example, the local IP address). Otherwise, the build may fail. At the same time, when the configuration is * or in the active/standby environment, the localport port number in the postgresql.conf file under the database path of the active node cannot be the database dataPortBase+1, otherwise the database cannot be started.
  • If the parameter is not specified, the server does not listen to any IP address. In this case, only Unix domain sockets can be used for database connections.

Default value: Empty string (actual value is specified by the configuration file during installation)


Parameter description: Specifies the host IP address bound to the current node for connecting to other nodes in MogDB.

This parameter is a POSTMASTER parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1 GUC parameters.

Default value: Empty string (actual value is specified by the configuration file during installation)


Parameter description: Specifies the TCP port listened on by the MogDB.

This parameter is a POSTMASTER parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1 GUC parameters.

img NOTE: This parameter is specified in the configuration file during installation. Do not modify this parameter unless absolutely necessary. Otherwise, database communication will be affected.

Value range: an integer ranging from 1 to 65535

img NOTE:

  • When setting the port number, ensure that the port number is not in use. When setting the port numbers of multiple instances, ensure that the port numbers do not conflict.
  • Ports 1 to 1023 are reserved for the operating system. Do not use them.
  • When the database instance is installed using the configuration file, pay attention to the ports reserved in the communication matrix in the configuration file. For example, dataPortBase + 1 needs to be reserved as the port used by internal tools, and dataPortBase + 6 needs to be reserved as the communication port of the flow engine message queue. Therefore, during database instance installation, the maximum port number is 65529 for DNs. Ensure that the port number does not conflict with each other.
  • After changing the port number by using gs_guc set, you need to manually modify the port information in the static configuration file static_config_files for the change to take effect.

Default value: 5432 (The actual value is specified in the configuration file during installation.)


Parameter description: Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections to the database. This parameter influences the concurrent processing capability of MogDB.

This parameter is a POSTMASTER parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1 GUC parameters.

Value range: an integer. The minimum value is 10 (greater than max_wal_senders). The theoretical maximum value is 262143. The actual maximum value is a dynamic value, which is calculated using the formula 262143 -job_queue_processes - autovacuum_max_workers - AUXILIARY_BACKENDS - AV_LAUNCHER_PROCS. The values of job_queue_processes, autovacuum_max_workers, and max_inner_tool_connections depend on the settings of the corresponding GUC parameters. AUXILIARY_BACKENDSindicates the number of reserved auxiliary threads, which is fixed to 20.AV_LAUNCHER_PROCS indicates the number of reserved lancher threads for autovacuum, which is fixed to 2.

Default value: 200

  • 200: Applicable when the database is installed in build or simplified mode.
  • 5000: Applicable when the database is installed using the OM tool.

Setting suggestions:

Retain the default value of this parameter on the primary node of the databases.

Impact of incorrect configuration:

  • If the value of max_connections is too large and exceeds the dynamic maximum value described in the formula, the node fails to be started and the error message " invalid value for parameter "max_connections"" is displayed.
  • If only the value of max_connections is increased while the memory parameter is not adjusted in proportion according to the external egress specifications, when the service load is heavy, the memory may be insufficient, and the error message "memory is temporarily unavailable" is displayed.

img NOTE:

  • If the number of connections of the administrator exceeds the value of max_connections, the administrator can still connect to the database after the connections are used up by common users. If the number of connections exceeds the value of sysadmin_reserved_connections, an error is reported. That is, the maximum number of connections of the administrator is equal to the value of max_connections + sysadmin_reserved_connections.
  • For common users, internal jobs use some connections. Therefore, the value of this parameter is slightly less than that of max_connections. The value depends on the number of internal connections.


Parameter description: Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections of a tool which is allowed to connect to the database. This parameter influences the concurrent connection capability of the MogDB tool.

This parameter is a POSTMASTER parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1 GUC parameters.

Value range: an integer ranging from 0 to MIN (which takes the smaller value between 262143 and max_connections). For details about how to calculate the value of max_connection, see the preceding description.

Default value: 50 for each database node. If the default value is greater than the maximum value supported by the kernel (determined when the gs_initdb command is executed), an error message is displayed.

Setting suggestions:

Retain the default value of this parameter on the primary node of the databases.

If this parameter is set to a large value, MogDB requires more System V shared memories or semaphores, which may exceed the default maximum configuration of the OS. In this case, modify the value as needed.


Parameter description: Specifies the minimum number of connections reserved for administrators. You are advised not to set this parameter to a large value. This parameter is used together with the max_connections parameter. The maximum number of connections of the administrator is equal to the value of max_connections + sysadmin_reserved_connections.

This parameter is a POSTMASTER parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1 GUC parameters.

Value range: an integer ranging from 0 to MIN (which takes the smaller value between 262143 and max_connections). For details about how to calculate the value of max_connection, see the preceding description.

Default value: 3

Note: When the thread pool function is enabled, if the thread pool is fully occupied, a processing bottleneck occurs. As a result, connections reserved by the administrator cannot be established. In this case, you can use gsql to establish connections through the primary port number + 1 to clear useless sessions.


Parameter description: Specifies the Unix domain socket directory that the MogDB server listens to for connections from the client.

This parameter is a POSTMASTER parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1 GUC parameters.

The parameter length limit varies by OS. If the length is exceeded, the error "Unix-domain socket path xxx is too long" will be reported.

Value range: a string

Default value: empty. The actual value is specified by the configuration file during installation.


Parameter description: Specifies the group of the Unix domain socket (the user of a socket is the user that starts the server). This parameter can work with unix_socket_permissions to control socket access.

This parameter is a POSTMASTER parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1 GUC parameters.

Value range: a string. If this parameter is set to an empty string, the default group of the current user is used.

Default value: an empty string


Parameter description: Specifies access permissions for the Unix domain socket.

The Unix domain socket uses the usual permission set of the Unix file system. The value of this parameter should be a number (acceptable for the chmod and umask commands). If a user-defined octal format is used, the number must start with 0.

You are advised to set it to 0770 (only allowing access from users connecting to the database and users in the same group as them) or 0700 (only allowing access from users connecting to the database).

This parameter is a POSTMASTER parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1 GUC parameters.

Value range: 0000 to 0777

Default value: 0700

img NOTE: In the Linux OS, a document has one document attribute and nine permission attributes, which consists of the read (r), write (w), and execute (x) permissions of the Owner, Group, and Others groups. The r, w, and x permissions are represented by the following numbers:

r: 4

w: 2

x: 1

-: 0

The three attributes in a group are accumulative.

For example, -rwxrwx--- indicates the following permissions:

owner = rwx = 4+2+1 = 7

group = rwx = 4+2+1 = 7

others = --- = 0+0+0 = 0

The permission of the file is 0770.


Parameter description: Specifies the client name used in the current connection request.

This parameter is a USERSET parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1 GUC parameters.

When a standby node requests to replicate logs on the primary node, if this parameter is not an empty string, it is used as the name of the streaming replication slot of the standby node on the primary node. In this case, if the length of this parameter exceeds 61 bytes, only the first 61 bytes are used as the streaming replication slot name.

Value range: a string

Default value: empty (The actual value is the name of the application connected to the backend.)


Parameter description: Specifies the database connection information, including the driver type, driver version, driver deployment path, and process owner.

This parameter is a USERSET parameter used for O&M. You are advised not to change the parameter value.

Value range: a string

Default value: empty

img NOTE:

  • An empty string indicates that the driver connected to the database does not support automatic setting of the connection_info parameter or the parameter is not set by users in applications.
  • The following is an example of the concatenated value of connection_info:
{"driver_name":"ODBC","driver_version": "(MogDB X.X.X build 56189e20) compiled at 2022-01-07 18:47:53 commit 0 last mr","driver_path":"/usr/local/lib/psqlodbcw.so","os_user":"omm"}

driver_name and driver_version are displayed by default. Whether driver_path and os_user are displayed is determined by users.


Parameter description: Whether to enable the dolphin database protocol feature.

This parameter is a POSTMASTER parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1 GUC parameters.

Value range: Boolean

  • on indicates that the dolphin database protocol is enabled.
  • off indicates that the dolphin database protocol is disabled.

Default value: off

img NOTE:

  • MogDB supports multi-database network protocol functionality since version 3.1.0, which defaults to the MogDB database protocol.
  • When the dolphin plugin is loaded and this parameter is enabled, B-compatible types of databases in MogDB can be accessed via the mysql database protocol.
  • The current dolphin plugin is compatible with mysql 5.7.x client tools, compatible with mysql-connector-java-5.1.47.


Parameter description: The TCP port number on which the dolphin protocol plugin listens.

This parameter is a POSTMASTER parameter. Set it based on instructions provided in Table 1 GUC parameters.

Value range: Integer, 1024 to 65535

Default value: 3308

img NOTE:

  • This feature is available when the dophin plugin is loaded and the dolphin database protocol is enabled.
  • When setting the port number, set an unoccupied port number that does not conflict with the port number of the MogDB database protocol.


Parameter description: Control whether to allow the creation of users such as user@host, 'user'@'host' and mysql-compatible user@host authentication authentication, for mysql-compatible user@host authentication, you need to set this parameter to on in the configuration file postgresql.conf.

Value range: Boolean

Default value: off


MogDB=# show b_compatibility_user_host_auth;
(1 row)
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