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PostgreSQL Compatibility

Database Creation Specifications

During MogDB database creation, the following PG compatibility mode is used:

create database dbnam DBCOMPATIBILITY='PG' encoding=’utf8’;

Data Type

Value Type

During development and usage, MogDB supports only the smallint, integer, bigint, numeric[(p[,s])], serial, and bigserial value types.

Type PostgreSQL MogDB Storage Length Remarks
tinyint / Supported 1 byte 0 to 255
smallint Supported Supported 2 bytes -32,768 to +32,767
integer Supported Supported 4 bytes -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647
binary_integer / Supported / integer alias
bigint Supported Supported 8 bytes -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807
decimal[(p[,s])] Supported Supported Variable byte A maximum of 131072 before the decimal point and 16383 after the decimal point
numeric[(p[,s])] Supported Supported Variable byte A maximum of 131072 before the decimal point and 16383 after the decimal point
number[(p[,s])] / Supported / Numeric alias
real Supported Supported 4 bytes Accurate to six decimal digits
float4 / Supported 4 bytes Accurate to six decimal digits
double precision Supported Supported 8 bytes Accurate to fifteen decimal digits
binary_double / Supported 8 bytes Double precision alias
float8 / Supported 8 bytes Accurate to fifteen decimal digits
float[(p )] / Supported 4 or 8 bytes
dec[(p,[s])] / Supported / A maximum of 131072 before the decimal point and 16383 after the decimal point
integer[(p,[s])] / Supported / A maximum of 131072 before the decimal point and 16383 after the decimal point
smallserial Supported Supported 2 bytes 1 to 32,767
serial Supported Supported 4 bytes 1 to 2,147,483,647
bigserial Supported Supported 8 bytes 1 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
tinyint / Supported 1 byte 0 to 255

Character Type

During the development, MogDB supports only the char(n), varchar(n), and text character types.

Type PostgreSQL MogDB Storage Length Remarks
char(n) Supported Supported A maximum of 1 GB in postgreSQL
A maximum of 10 MB in MogDB
In postgreSQL, n indicates the number of characters.
In MogDB, n indicates the number of bytes.
In the compatibility PG mode, n indicates the number of characters.
nchar(n) / Supported A maximum of 10 MB n indicates the number of bytes.
In the compatibility PG mode, n indicates the number of characters.
varchar(n) Supported Supported A maximum of 1 GB in postgreSQL
A maximum of 10 MB in MogDB
In postgreSQL, n indicates the number of characters.
In MogDB, n indicates the number of bytes.
In the compatibility PG mode, n indicates the number of characters.
varchar2(n) / Supported A maximum of 10 MB varchar(n) alias
nvarchar2(n) / Supported A maximum of 10 MB n indicates the number of characters.
text Supported Supported 1 GB - 1
clob / Supported 1 GB - 1 text alias

Time Type

During the development, MogDB supports only the timestamp[(p )][with time zone] and date time types.

Type PostgreSQL MogDB Storage Length Remarks
timestamp[(p )][without time zone] Supported Supported 8 bytes 4713 BC to 294276 AD
timestamp[(p )][with time zone] Supported Supported 8 bytes 4713 BC to 294276 AD
date Supported Supported 4 bytes 4713 BC to 5874897 AD (The actual storage size is 8 bytes in MogDB)
time[(p )][without time zone] Supported Supported 8 bytes 00:00:00 to 24:00:00
time[(p )][with time zone] Supported Supported 12 bytes 00:00:00+1459 to 24:00:00-1459
interval[fields][(p )] Supported Supported 16 bytes -178000000 to 178000000 years
smalldatetime / Supported 8 bytes Date and time without timezone, accurating to the minute, 30s equaling one minute
interval day(1) to second(p ) / Supported 16 bytes
reltime / Supported 4 bytes


Type PostgreSQL MogDB Storage Length Remarks
json Supported Supported /
jsonb Supported Supported since version 2.1 /


In the following table, Reserved indicates that keywords in a database are reserved and cannot be customized. Non-reserved or N/A indicates that keywords can be customized.

Keyword MogDB PostgreSQL
AUTHID Reserved N/A
BUCKETS Reserved N/A
COMPACT Reserved N/A
DATE Non-reserved (function or type is not supported)
FENCED Reserved N/A
GROUPING Non-reserved (function or type is not supported)
IS Reserved Reserved (function or type is supported)
ISNULL Non-reserved Reserved (function or type is supported)
LATERAL Reserved
LESS Reserved N/A
MAXVALUE Reserved Non-reserved
MINUS Reserved N/A
MODIFY Reserved N/A
NLSSORT Reserved N/A
NUMBER Non-reserved (function or type is not supported)
PROCEDURE Reserved Non-reserved
REJECT Reserved N/A
ROWNUM Reserved N/A
SYSDATE Reserved N/A
VERIFY Reserved N/A

Implicit Conversion Comparison Table

Input Type Target Type MogDB PG
bool int2, int4, int8 Supported int4 is not supported, others are the same
int2 bool, text, bpchar, varchar,interval Supported (except bpchar) NA
int4 bool, int2, text, bpchar, varchar, interval Supported (except bpchar) bool is not supported, int2 is in assignment, others are the same
int8 bool, text, bpchar, varchar Supported (except bpchar) NA
text int8, int4, int2, float4, float8, date, timestamp, nemeric Supported NA
float4 int8, int4, int2, text, bpchar, varchar Supported (except bpchar) First three are in assignment, others are the same
float8 int8, int4, int2, text, float4, bpchar, varchar, interval, numeric Supported (except bpchar) int8, int4, int2, float4, numeric are in assignment, others are the same
bpchar int8, int4, date, timestamp, numeric
date text, bpchar, varchar Supported (except bpchar) NA
timestamp text, varchar Supported NA
timestamptz text Supported NA
numeric int8, int4, int2, text, bpchar, varchar, interval Supported (except bpchar) First three are in assignment, others are the same
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