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PG_JOB records detailed information about jobs created by users. Dedicated threads poll the system catalog PG_JOB and trigger jobs based on scheduled job execution time, and update job status in PG_JOB. This system catalog belongs to the Shared Relation category. All job records are visible to all databases.

Table 1 PG_JOB columns

Name Type Description
oid oid Row identifier (hidden attribute, which must be specified)
job_id bigint Job ID, primary key, unique (with a unique index)
current_postgres_pid bigint postgres thread ID of the job if the job has been executed. The default value is -1, indicating that the job has not yet been executed.
log_user name Username of the job creator
priv_user name Username of the job executor
dbname name Name of the database in which the job will be executed
node_name name Primary database node on which the job will be executed
job_status "char" Status of the job. The value can be r, s, f, or d. The default value is s. The indications are as follows:
Status of job step: r=running, s=successfully finished, f=job failed, d=disable
If a job fails to be executed for 16 consecutive times, job_status is automatically set to d, and no more attempt will be made on this job.
Note: When you disable a scheduled task (by setting job_queue_processes to 0), the thread that monitors the job execution is not started, and the job status will not be updated. You can ignore this status. Only when the scheduled task function is enabled (job_queue_processes is not 0), the system updates the value of this column based on the real-time job status.
start_date timestamp without time zone Start time of the first job execution, accurate to millisecond
next_run_date timestamp without time zone Scheduled time of the next job execution, accurate to millisecond
failure_count smallint Number of times the job has started and failed. If a job fails to be executed for 16 consecutive times, no more attempt will be made on it.
interval text Job execution interval
last_start_date timestamp without time zone Start time of the last job execution, accurate to millisecond
last_end_date timestamp without time zone End time of the last job execution, accurate to millisecond
last_suc_date timestamp without time zone Start time of the last successful job execution, accurate to millisecond
this_run_date timestamp without time zone Start time of the ongoing job execution, accurate to millisecond
nspname name Name of the schema used for job execution
job_name text Name of the DBE_SCHEDULER scheduled task.
end_date timestamp without time zone Expiration time of the DBE_SCHEDULER scheduled task, accurate to millisecond.
enable boolean The DBE_SCHEDULER scheduled task enabling status. The options are as follows:
- true: enabled
- false: disabled
failure_msg text Error information about the latest task execution.
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