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Undo System Functions

  • gs_undo_meta(type, zoneId, location)

    Description: Specifies metadata of each module in the undo system.

    Parameter description:

    • type (metadata type)

      The value 0 indicates the metadata corresponding to Undo Zone(Record).

      The value 1 indicates the metadata corresponding to Undo Zone(Transaction Slot).

      The value 2 indicates the metadata corresponding to Undo Space(Record).

      The value 3 indicates the metadata corresponding to Undo Space(Transaction Slot).

    • zoneId (undo zone ID)

      The value –1 indicates the metadata of all undo zones.

      The value range 0–1024 x 1024 indicates the metadata of the corresponding zone ID.

    • location (read location)

      The value 0 indicates that data is read from the current memory.

      The value 1 indicates that data is read from a physical file.

    Return type: record

  • gs_undo_translot(location, zoneId)

    Description: Specifies transaction slot information of the undo system.

    Parameter description:

    • location (read location)

      The value 0 indicates that data is read from the current memory.

      The value 1 indicates that data is read from a physical file.

    • zoneId (undo zone ID)

      The value –1 indicates the metadata of all undo zones.

      The value range 0–1024 x 1024 indicates the metadata of the corresponding zone ID.

    Return type: record

  • gs_stat_undo()

    Description: Undo statistics.

    Return type: record

    Table 1 gs_stat_undo parameters

    Category Parameter Name Type Description
    Output parameter curr_used_zone_count uint32 Number of used undo zones.
    Output parameter top_used_zones text Information about the first three undo zones with the maximum usage. The output format is as follows:
    (zoneId1:Used size; zoneId2:Used size; zoneId3:Used size).
    Output parameter curr_used_undo_size uint32 Total size of the undo tablespace that is being used. The unit is MB.
    Output parameter undo_threshold uint32 Calculation result of the value of the GUC parameter undo_space_limit_size x 80%. The unit is MB.
    Output parameter oldest_xid_in_undo uint64 XID of the transaction recycled to the undo space. The undo records generated by the transaction whose XID is smaller than the value of XID are recycled.
    Output parameter oldest_xmin uint64 Oldest active transaction.
    Output parameter total_undo_chain_len int64 Total length of all accessed undo chains.
    Output parameter max_undo_chain_len int64 Maximum length of the accessed undo chain.
    Output parameter create_undo_file_count uint32 Number of created undo files.
    Output parameter discard_undo_file_count uint32 Number of deleted undo files.
  • gs_undo_record(undoptr)

    Description: Undo record resolution.

    Parameter description:

    • undoptr (undo record pointer)

    Return type: record

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