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SQLConnect is used to establish a connection between a driver and a data source. After the connection is established, the connection handle can be used to access all information about the data source, including its application operating status, transaction processing status, and error information.


SQLRETURN  SQLConnect(SQLHDBC        ConnectionHandle,
                      SQLCHAR        *ServerName,
                      SQLSMALLINT    NameLength1,
                      SQLCHAR        *UserName,
                      SQLSMALLINT    NameLength2,
                      SQLCHAR        *Authentication,
                      SQLSMALLINT    NameLength3);


Table 1 SQLConnect parameters

Keyword Parameter Description
ConnectionHandle Connection handle, obtained from SQLAllocHandle.
ServerName Name of the data source to connect.
NameLength1 Length of ServerName.
UserName Username of the database in the data source.
NameLength2 Length of UserName.
Authentication User password of the database in the data source.
NameLength3 Length of Authentication.

Return Value

  • SQL_SUCCESS indicates that the call succeeded.
  • SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicates that some warning information is displayed.
  • SQL_ERROR indicates major errors, such as memory allocation and connection failures.
  • SQL_INVALID_HANDLE indicates that invalid handles were called. This value may also be returned by other APIs.
  • SQL_STILL_EXECUTING indicates that the statement is being executed.


If SQLConnect returns SQL_ERROR or SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, the application can call SQLGetDiagRec, with HandleType and Handle set to SQL_HANDLE_DBC and ConnectionHandle, respectively, to obtain the SQLSTATE value. The SQLSTATE value provides the detailed function calling information.


See Examples.

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