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PGXC_GROUP records information about node groups. The PGXC_GROUP system catalog has specific meanings only in distributed scenarios. MogDB can only query the table definition.

Table 1 PGXC_GROUP columns

Name Type Description
oid oid Row identifier (hidden attribute, which must be specified)
group_name name Node group name
in_redistribution “char” Whether redistribution is required. The value must be one of the following:
- n: The node group is not redistributed.
- y: The source node group is in redistribution.
- t: The destination node group is in redistribution.
group_members oidvector_extend Node OID list of the node group
group_buckets text Distributed data bucket group
is_installation Boolean Whether to install a sub-cluster
- t (true): yes
- f (false): no
group_acl aclitem[] Access permission
group_kind “char” Node group type. The value must be one of the following:
- i: installation node group
- n: node group in a common non-logical cluster
- v: node group in a logical cluster
- e: elastic cluster
group_parent oid For a child node group, this field indicates the OID of the parent node group. For a parent node group, this field is left blank.
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