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WORKLOAD_SQL_ELAPSE_TIME collects statistics about SUIDs in workloads.


Name Type Description
workload name Workload name
total_select_elapse bigint Total response time of SELECT statements (unit: μs)
max_select_elapse bigint Maximum response time of SELECT statements (unit: μs)
min_select_elapse bigint Minimum response time of SELECT statements (unit: μs)
avg_select_elapse bigint Average response time of SELECT statements (unit: μs)
total_update_elapse bigint Total response time of UPDATE statements (unit: μs)
max_update_elapse bigint Maximum response time of UPDATE statements (unit: μs)
min_update_elapse bigint Minimum response time of UPDATE statements (unit: μs)
avg_update_elapse bigint Average response time of UPDATE statements (unit: μs)
total_insert_elapse bigint Total response time of INSERT statements (unit: μs)
max_insert_elapse bigint Maximum response time of INSERT statements (unit: μs)
min_insert_elapse bigint Minimum response time of INSERT statements (unit: μs)
avg_insert_elapse bigint Average response time of INSERT statements (unit: μs)
total_delete_elapse bigint Total response time of DELETE statements (unit: μs)
max_delete_elapse bigint Maximum response time of DELETE statements (unit: μs)
min_delete_elapse bigint Minimum response time of DELETE statements (unit: μs)
avg_delete_elapse bigint Average response time of DELETE statements (unit: μs)
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