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In B-compatible mode, the INSERT statement supports right-value reference. If a referenced column has a NOT NULL constraint and does not have a default value, its base value is used for calculation. If there is no basic value, the NULL value is used for calculation (array type or user-defined type). The basic values of the supported types are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Type basic values

Type Basic Value Description
int 0
tinyint 0
smallint 0
integer 0
binary_integer 0
bigint 0
boolean f
numeric 0
decimal 0
dec 0
double precision 0
float8 0
float 0
char(n) "" Note: When a character string is involved in calculation, the value type is converted based on built-in rules.
The length of the value stored by a fixed-length character string is the same as the specified length, and blank characters are filled (which may vary according to the storage mode).
varchar(n) ""
varchar2(n) ""
nchar(n) "" Note: When a character string is involved in calculation, the value type is converted based on built-in rules.
The length of the value stored by a fixed-length character string is the same as the specified length, and blank characters are filled (which may vary according to the storage mode).
nvarchar2(n) ""
nvarchar(n) ""
date 01-01-1970
time 00:00:00
timestamp Current timestamp
smalldatetime Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970
interval year @ 0
interval month @ 0
interval day @ 0
interval hour @ 0
interval minute @ 0
interval second @ 0
interval day to second @ 0
interval day to hour @ 0
interval day to minute @ 0
interval hour to minute @ 0
interval hour to second @ 0
interval minute to second @ 0
reltime @ 0
abstime Wed Dec 31 16:00:00 1969 PST
money $0.00
int4range empty
blob Object without data content
raw Object without data content
bytea \x
point (0,0)
lseg [(0,0),(0,0)]
box (0,0),(0,0)
path ((0,0))
polygon ((0,0))
circle <(0,0),0>
macaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00
BIT Object without data content
BIT VARYING Object without data content
UUID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
json null The data content is null.
jsonb null The data content is null.
int8range empty
numrange empty
tsrange empty
tstzrange empty
daterange empty
hll \x
SET ""
tsvector Object without data content
tsquery Object without data content
HASH16 0000000000000000
HASH32 00000000000000000000000000000000
enum The first item
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