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PG_OPERATOR records information about operators.

Table 1 PG_OPERATOR columns

Name Type Reference Description
oid oid - Row identifier (hidden attribute, which must be specified)
oprname name - Name of an operator
oprnamespace oid PG_NAMESPACE.oid OID of the namespace that contains the operator
oprowner oid PG_AUTHID.oid Owner of the operator
oprkind "char" - - b: infix ("both")
- l: prefix ("left")
- r: postfix ("right")
oprcanmerge boolean - Whether the operator supports merge joins
- t (true): yes
- f (false): no
oprcanhash boolean - Whether the operator supports hash joins
- t (true): yes
- f (false): no
oprleft oid PG_TYPE.oid Type of the left operand
oprright oid PG_TYPE.oid Type of the right operand
oprresult oid PG_TYPE.oid Type of the result
oprcom oid PG_OPERATOR.oid Commutator of this operator, if any
oprnegate oid PG_OPERATOR.oid Negator of this operator, if any
oprcode regproc PG_PROC.proname Function that implements the operator
oprrest regproc PG_PROC.proname Restriction selectivity estimation function for the operator
oprjoin regproc PG_PROC.proname Join selectivity estimation function for the operator
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