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GS_ASP displays the persistent ACTIVE SESSION PROFILE samples. This table can only be queried in the system database, and there is no data in the user database.

Table 1 GS_ASP columns

Name Type Description
sampleid bigint Sample ID
sample_time timestamp with time zone Sampling time
need_flush_sample boolean Specifies whether the sample needs to be flushed to disks.
- t (true): yes
- f (false): no
databaseid oid Database ID
thread_id bigint Thread ID
sessionid bigint Session ID
start_time timestamp with time zone Start time of a session
event text Event name
lwtid integer Lightweight thread ID of the current thread
psessionid bigint Parent thread of the streaming thread
tlevel integer Level of the streaming thread, which corresponds to the level (id) of the execution plan
smpid integer Concurrent thread ID in SMP execution mode
userid oid ID of a session user
application_name text Name of an application
client_addr inet IP address of a client
client_hostname text Name of a client
client_port integer TCP port number used by a client to communicate with the backend
query_id bigint Debug query ID
unique_query_id bigint Unique query ID
user_id oid User ID in the key of the unique query
cn_id integer ID of the node that delivers the unique SQL statement. cn_id is in the key of the unique query.
unique_query text Standardized Unique SQL text string
locktag text Information of a lock that the session waits for, which can be parsed using locktag_decode.
lockmode text Mode of a lock that the session waits for
- LW_EXCLUSIVE: exclusive lock
- LW_SHARED: shared lock
- LW_WAIT_UNTIL_FREE: waits for the LW_EXCLUSIVE to be available
block_sessionid bigint Blocks a session from obtaining the session ID of a lock if the session is waiting for the lock.
wait_status text Provides more details about an event column.
global_sessionid text Global session ID
plan_node_id int The operator ID of the execution plan tree
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