HomeMogDBMogDB StackUqbar


Supported Versions:

v1.0 Release Note

1.0.12 (2023.09.04)

  • [Fix] Fixed overwriting the lib library when installing CM

1.0.11 (2023.11.10)

  • [Fix] Fix ExecuteError reported by checkos when DBUser executor has sudo privilege.

1.0.10 (2023.10.27)

  • [Add] Add support for MogDB version 5.0.3.
  • [Project] The default version of MogDB is upgraded to 5.0.3, and the default version of MogHA is upgraded to 2.4.13 at the time of installation.

1.0.9 (2023.09.28)

  • [Add] Add support for MogDB 5.0.2.
  • [Project] Upgrade the default version of MogDB to 5.0.2 on installation.

1.0.8 (2023.09.15)

  • [Fix] Shield plugin upgrade related logic during upgrade rollback, fix nil panic bugs.
  • [Fix] Update mogila to the latest version.
  • [Fix] Fix ptkc ssh error in clusters with CM.
  • [Optimize] When dealing with psutil.so, use the python3 command to check the version in preference to the python3.6/3.7 command if the version is not correct.
  • [Optimize] ptk download add --dryrun parameter to add download link information to logs.
  • [Optimize] Optimize the repair script generated by the system check by prompting the error statement when the repair command is executed incorrectly, and then continue to execute the subsequent repair statements.
  • [Optimize] Remove the execution timeout setting for the gs_ctl build operation and wait until it completes.
  • [Add] Add support for MogDB 3.0.6.

1.0.7 (2023.09.01)

  • [Fix] Fix the bug that only DB node om_monitor cannot find cm_agent configuration when the number of DB nodes is larger than the number of CM nodes when installing with CM (#2006).
  • [Fix] Fix “upload success” translation error.

1.0.6 (2023.08.30)

  • [Fix] Set whether the CM configuration field enable_ssl enables logical error.
  • [Optimize] Keep the command used by PTK to start om_monitor consistent with the command in crontab.

1.0.5 (2023.08.27)

  • [Fix] Filter out pseudo instances when checking ports.

1.0.0 (2023.07.14)

New Features

  • Added the installation and uninstallation of kerberos service.
  • Added cache command to view the list of PTK cache files.
  • The cluster subcommand adds the --id parameter, allowing manage instance by ID.
  • Added the candidate plugin command.
  • Added compatible system Anolis OS.

Function Optimization and Bug Fixing

  • The ssl certificate is automatically generated by default when the CM cluster is installed.
  • Auto detect the plugin name when installing.
  • Added the check of segmented page compressed table for the 3.0.x version upgrade.
  • Update the list of supported database versions, updating the default version to MogDB 5.0.0.
  • Updated the interaction framework.
  • Internationalize the log information.
  • Unified the value of pgxc_node_name in a cluster.
  • Fixed some known bugs.
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