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Provisioning Toolkit


Supported Versions:

About PTK

PTK (Provisioning Toolkit) is a command-line operation and maintenance tool developed for MogDB database using Golang, which is designed to help users deploy and manage MogDB database clusters more conveniently.

Application Scenarios

  • Developers need to quickly enable multiple local MogDB processes.
  • Users need to install MogDB quickly using PTK.
  • Daily operation and maintenance by DBAs
  • A third-party operation and maintenance platform needs to be integrated.

PTK is a centralized multi-cluster management software. As a centrally-controlling software, it manages multiple database clusters remotely using SSH. Therefore, it is recommended that PTK is independently deployed a control server and the database is another server, as shown in the following figure. Certainly, PTK can be also deployed on the local server where the database is located. You can choose either of the deployment methods as required.

(Note: PTK relies on local metadata for cluster management, and PTKs installed by users on different operating systems are not visible to each other).

                           |    PTK    |
                 /---ssh-----/   |    \---ssh----\
                /               ssh               \
               /                 |                 \
        +-----------+      +-----------+      +-----------+
        |   MogDB   |      |   MogDB   |      |   MogDB   |
        +-----------+      +-----------+      +-----------+

Operating Systems Supported by PTK for Installing MogDB

You can run ptk candidate os to check the latest OSs supported.

(Note: The operating systems listed in the table below are the databases where PTK tests were able to deploy MogDB successfully and regular CRUD operations run normally. Unless the table states that it has been fully tested for compatibility, please perform your own full business validation before production deployment).

ID OS Recommend to use Tested by ptk (OS version) Fully compatibility tested (MogDB Version)
1007010 CentOS Linux 7 (Core) (x86_64) CentOS 7.6.1810 all versions
1008010 CentOS 8 (x86_64) openEuler 8.0.1905
1008020 CentOS 8 (arm64) openEuler 8.0.1905
1120010 openEuler 20 (x86_64) openEuler 20.03 < 5.0.0
1120020 openEuler 20 (arm64) openEuler 20.03 < 5.0.0
1122010 openEuler 22 (x86_64) openEuler 22.03
1122020 openEuler 22 (arm64) openEuler 22.03
1210010 Kylin V10 (x86_64) kylin V10 (Tercel) all versions
1210020 Kylin V10 (arm64) kylin V10 (Tercel) all versions
1320010 UOS 20 A (x86_64) openEuler 1050a
1320020 UOS 20 A (arm64) openEuler 1050a
1420010 UOS 20 D/E (x86_64) openEuler 1040d/1050d/1050e
1420020 UOS 20 D/E (arm64) openEuler 1040d/1050d
1518010 Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS (Bionic Beaver) (x86_64) CentOS 18.04.6
1518020 Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS (Bionic Beaver) (arm64) openEuler 18.04.6
1520010 Ubuntu 20 LTS (Focal Fossa) (x86_64) CentOS 20.04.3
1520020 Ubuntu 20 LTS (Focal Fossa) (arm64) openEuler 20.04.5
1522010 Ubuntu 22 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) (x86_64) CentOS 22.04
1522020 Ubuntu 22 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) (arm64) openEuler 22.04.1
1607010 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (x86_64) CentOS 7.5 (Maipo)
1608010 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (Ootpa) (x86_64) openEuler 8.5
1608020 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 (Ootpa) (arm64) openEuler 8.2
1609010 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.0 (Plow) (x86_64) openEuler 9.0
1609020 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.0 (Plow) (arm64) openEuler 9.0
1702010 EulerOS 2 (x86_64) CentOS 2.0-SP3
1702020 EulerOS 2 (arm64) openEuler 2.0-SP3
1812010 SLES 12SP5 (x86_64) CentOS 12SP5
1815010 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 (x86_64) CentOS 15SP4
1907010 Oracle Linux 7 (x86_64) CentOS 7.9 (Maipo)
1908010 Oracle Linux 8 (x86_64) openEuler 8.6 (Ootpa)
2008010 Rocky Linux 8 (Green Obsidian) (x86_64) openEuler 8.5
2107010 NeoKylin V7 (x86_64) CentOS V7Update6
2222010 FusionOS 22 (x86_64) openEuler 22.0.2
2222020 FusionOS 22 (arm64) openEuler 22.0.2
2310010 Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) (x86_64) CentOS 10 (buster)
2310020 Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) (arm64) openEuler 10 (buster)
2311010 Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) (x86_64) CentOS 11 (bullseye)
2311020 Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) (arm64) openEuler 11 (bullseye)
2407010 Anolis OS Linux 7 (x86_64) CentOS 7.9 GA (kernel:RHCK)
2408010 Anolis OS 8 (x86_64) openEuler 8.6 GA (kernel:RHCK)
2408020 Anolis OS 8 (arm64) openEuler 8.6 GA (kernel:ANCK)
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