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ptk install

ptk install installs a MogDB or Uqbar database cluster.


ptk install [flags]


# Simplest command to install the database (require network)
# It will download latest MogDB installation package from internet and deploy to target hosts
ptk install -f <CONFIG.yaml>

# If you have previously performed checkos command and fixed them,
# you can skip unnecessary secondary checks by adding the '-skip-check-os' parameter
ptk install -f <CONFIG.yaml> --skip-check-os

# If you do not want to interact during the installation process
# you can specify '-y' to accept all questions automatically
ptk install -f <CONFIG.yaml> -y

# If your machine is unable to connect to the Internet,
# you can install it by specifying a local database package
ptk install -f <CONFIG.yaml> -p <LOCAL_DB_PACKAGE>

# If you want to install the cm component, you can specify the '--install-cm' parameter
ptk install -f <CONFIG.yaml> --install-cm

# Of course, you can freely combine multiple parameters to meet specific usage scenarios
ptk install -f <CONFIG.yaml> -p <LOCAL_DB_PACKAGE> -y --skip-check-os --comment 'greate db'

# There are many other parameters in the ptk install command. We look forward to your exploration and discovery.


-y, --assumeyes

  • Description: automatically replies yes to all questions.
  • Data type: boolean
  • Default value: false

--comment string

  • Description: adds a comment for the current cluster.
  • Data type: string
  • Default value: ""

--cpu string

  • Description: specifies the CPU model. You can run ptk candidate cpu to query the supported CPU models.
  • Data type: string
  • Default value: ""

--db-version string

  • Description: Specify the database package version if use online package

    Type 'ptk candidate db' to show available version

    This flag only support MogDB

  • Data type: string

  • Default value: 5.0.7


  • Description: uses the default GUC parameters which are not automatically optimized.
  • Data type: boolean
  • Default value: false


  • Description: enable DSS component.
  • Data type: bool
  • Default value: false

-e, --env strings

  • Description: adds the environment variables to the configuration file of the system user.
  • Data type: strings
  • Default value: []

-f, --file string

  • Description: specifies the configuration file of a cluster.
  • Data type: string
  • Default value: ""


  • Description: installs the CM component.
  • Data type: boolean
  • Default value: false

--launch-db-timeout duration

  • Description: starts the database timeout duration.
  • Data type: duration
  • Default value: 10m


  • Description: specifies that the installation package in the local cache is not used.
  • Data type: boolean
  • Default value: false


  • Description: No restriction that the number of CM nodes be odd.
  • Data type: bool
  • Default value: false

-p, --pkg string

  • Description: specifies the file path or URL of a database installation package.
  • Data type: string
  • Default value: ""

--post-run string

  • Description: specifies the path for storing the bash script to be executed on each server after successful deployment.
  • Data type: string
  • Default value: ""

--pre-run string

  • Description: specifies the path for storing the bash script to be executed on each server before successful deployment.
  • Data type: string
  • Default value: ""


  • Description: skips the system distro check.
  • Data type: boolean
  • Default value: false


  • Description: skips the check of system environment.
  • Data type: boolean
  • Default value: false


  • Description: skips md5 checksums on installers and sha256 checksums on internal packages.
  • Data type: boolean
  • Default value: false


  • Description: skips the creation of a system user.
  • Data type: boolean
  • Default value: false


  • Description: skips the generation of the ptkc tool.
  • Data type: boolean
  • Default value: false


  • Description: skips database startup.
  • Data type: boolean
  • Default value: false


  • Description: skips load vip after deploying CM
  • Data type: boolean
  • Default value: false


  • Description: skips rollback for installation failures.
  • Data type: boolean
  • Default value: false

Option Inherited from the Parent Command


  • Description: Disable color logs.
  • Data type: bool
  • Default value: false


  • Description: not generate debug log files.
  • Data type: bool
  • Default value: false


  • Description: No progress bar globally.
  • Data type: bool
  • Default value: false

-h, --help

  • Description: outputs the help information for installation.
  • Data type: boolean
  • Default value: false

--log-file string

  • Description: specifies the file path to which the run log is stored.
  • Data type: string
  • Default value: ""

--log-format string

  • Description: specifies the output format of a run log. The value can be text and json.
  • Data type: string
  • Default value: text

--log-level string

  • Description: specifies the run log level. The value can be debug, info, warning, error, and panic.
  • Data type: string
  • Default value: info


  • Description: Logs are not printed to standard output.
  • Data type: bool
  • Default value: false


  • Description: skips SSH connection fixing through interaction.

  • Data type: boolean

  • Default value: false

Added Version


More Command

  • ptk - A provisioning toolkit for MogDB.
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