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Show Plugin Information


This command is designed to query and display the installed plugins and created plugins under the cluster.

Query Demo

Query command:

ptk cluster -n <CLUSTER_NAME> list-plugins [-d|--database DATABASE_NAME]

Options description:

option name option type description
-d|--database String Array Query the created plugin for the specified database

Sample query results and descriptions:

List of Installed Plugins:
  Plugin Name  | dn_6001 | dn_6002
  mysql_fdw    | Yes     | Yes
  oracle_fdw   | Yes     | Yes
  postgres_fdw | Yes     | Yes
  dblink       | Yes     | Yes
  pg_bulkload  | Yes     | Yes
  pg_prewarm   | Yes     | No
  pg_repack    | Yes     | No
  pg_trgm      | Yes     | Yes
  postgis      | Yes     | Yes
  wal2json     | Yes     | Yes
  whale        | Yes     | Yes

Extension Status of Databases:
  Database | Extension(s)
  test     | whale
  postgres | pg_trgm
  • List of Installed Plugins Shows a list of installed plugins. Where Plugin Name indicates the name of the plugin, and dn_xxxx indicates whether the plugin is installed on a database node, where Yes indicates that the plugin is installed on the node, and No indicates that the plugin is not installed on the node.
  • Extension Status of Databases shows the plugins that have been created in the database. Where Database indicates the name of the database and Extension(s) indicates the name of the plugin that has been created under the corresponding database.


How to install the plugin?

Installation of the plugin can be found in this link.

What is the reason for Extension Status of Databases showing Cluster Stopped?

Plugins that have been created in the database need to be linked to the database for querying. When the primary node is stopped, this information cannot be queried, so you need to start the primary node first and then query the plugin list.

Why are some installed plugins not shown here?

The list shown here only shows the plugins listed in official website, other plugins such as mogila, compat_ tools, etc. are not shown here.

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