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Show Cluster Status

You can show the status information of the specified cluster with the following command:

ptk cluster -n <CLUSTER_NAME> status

If there are multiple clusters, you can list the status information of all clusters at once by specifying the -a parameter without knowing the cluster name:

ptk cluster status -a

PTK also supports specifying the --detail parameter to list the stream replication information for each instance in the cluster when viewing status:

ptk cluster -n <CLUSTER_NAME> status --detail

If the cluster status list is too wide to be easily viewed by folding the rows, you can add the -G parameter to display it vertically:

ptk cluster -n <CLUSTER_NAME> status -G

Cluster status definition

status meaning
Normal All instances of the cluster are normally available
Unavailable The cluster is not available, or the primary node is not in a normal state
Degraded Cluster is available, but some standby nodes are not
Stopped All nodes of the cluster are stopped
MultiPrimary Cluster has multiple primary instances

Instance State Definition

The instance status is consistent with the list defined by the database kernel, with the addition of SSH Disconnect

status meaning
Unknown Unknown State
Normal Normal state
Need repair Copy disconnected, pending repair
Starting Instance startup in progress
Wait promoting Waiting for role promotion
Promoting Role promotion in progress
Demoting Role demotion in progress
Building Rebuilding in progress
Catchup Catching up on logs
Coredump Instance crashed
Stopped Instance stopped
SSH Disconnect Instance machine SSH connection failed
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