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Compatible With Higher Versions of MogDB

This feature is supported in PTK v1.6.0 and above.

PTK integrates the download links and configuration information of different versions of MogDB into the binary file by default, so when PTK releases a version, it can only be compatible with the latest version of MogDB at that time.

So when MogDB releases a new version, PTK will release a new version to support it, but the old version of PTK will not be able to recognize the new version.

In order to solve this problem, in PTK 1.6.0 version, the function of loading external configurations has been added, so that backward compatibility can be realized.

If it is not convenient to upgrade the PTK in your environment, you can support the new version of MogDB by doing the following.

Online environment

If the server where the PTK is hosted has access to the public network, you can run the following command directly on the server.

wget -q -O - "https://cdn-mogdb.enmotech.com/ptk/latest/ptk-inject.tar.gz" | tar -xzf - -C $(ptk env PTK_HOME 2>/dev/null)

Offline environment

If your server is not connected to the Internet, you need to download the injection package first:

After downloading and uploading it to the server where PTK is located, execute the following command:

tar -xzf ptk-inject.tar.gz -C $(ptk env PTK_HOME 2>/dev/null)
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