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Preparing Configuration File

Configuration File Introduction

Before installing the database, PTK can be used to create a configuration file for defining the expected database cluster topology.

To install a local single-instance database, run the following command to generate a template configuration file.

ptk template -l > config.yaml

To install a multi-instance cluster, run the following command to generate a template configuration file.

ptk template > config.yaml

After PTK is run, a config.yaml file is generated in the current folder. You need to modify the configuration according to Your own server and directory plan.

If there is the password field, you need to run ptk encrypt to encrypt the password and then add the ciphertext to the configuration file.

Note: If you hope to use a non-root user to connect the target server by SSH, make sure that the user has the sudo permission on the target server.

Configuration method: Add the following content (replacing USERNAME with SSH connection user name) to the sudoers files in the /etc directory: [USERNAME] ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL

Interactive Creation

PTK also supports interactive creation of a configuration file. You can perform the following command to perform interactive creation:

ptk template create

After the command is run, the interactive terminal is displayed. You need to only reply the questions in sequence.

Note: During db_server configuration, if the SSH login information is the same, it can be used repeatedly.

After the interactive terminal exits, a config.yaml file will be automatically created in the current folder.

Configuration File Field Description

The following is an example of a completed configuration file:

In YAML syntax, strings do not need to be quoted by default, if the string contains spaces or special characters, they need to be put in quotes, for more details about YAML syntax, please refer to Appendix: YAML Syntax

  # cluster name
  cluster_name: c1
  # system user for running db
  user: omm
  # system user group, same as username if not given
  group: omm
  # system user password, use 'ptk encrypt' to encrypt it if not empty
  user_password: ""
  # database password, use 'ptk encrypt' to encrypt it if not empty
  db_password: ""
  # database port
  db_port: 26000
  # base directory for install MogDB server
  # PTK will create an application directory, a data directory, a tools directory, a log directory, and a temporary directory in this directory.
  base_dir: /opt/mogdb
  # list of parameters supported by gs_initdb, appended to the command during installation
  - --encoding=UTF-8
  - --dbcompatibility=A
  # Add server IPs that allow off-cluster access to the database
  - type: host
    database: all
    user: all
    address: <IP>/32
    method: sha256
  # Configuration of the CM component, the value takes effect when the CM component is enabled
    # The installation directory of CM, if you don't fill it in, the cm directory will be created in the base_dir directory by default.
    # dir: /opt/mogdb/cm
    # CM Server port
    cm_server_port: 15300
    # Virtual IP, this value requires a supported version of CM to take effect
    db_service_vip: ""
    # CM Server configuration, which is updated to cm_server.conf
      # instance_heartbeat_timeout: 2
      # ...
    # CM Agent configuration, which is updated to cm_agent.conf
      # log_max_size: 10240
      # ...
  - host: <IP>
    # Database port, can be omitted, automatically inherits the db_port configured in global section.
    db_port: 26000
    # database role, options: primary, standby, cascade_standby
    role: primary
    # available zone name, the value takes effect when the CM component is enabled
    az_name: AZ1
    # available zone priority, the lower the value the higher the priority, minimum 1, this value takes effect when the CM component is enabled
    az_priority: 1
    # Upstream standby node IP for cascaded standby, required for cascaded standby only
    # Supported parameters in postgresql.conf
      # replication_type: 1
    # SSH configuration for connecting to the server
      port: 22
      user: root
      # SSH login password, does not support plaintext, need to use ptk encrypt to fill in after encryption
# cm server list, if it is not listed here, it will be deployed on each db_server's machine during installation
# Note that this configuration does not mean that CM will be installed, you need to specify the --install-cm option in the command line during installation for it to take effect.
  - host: <IP>
    # CM Server port, default is global.cm_option.cm_server_port
    port: 15300
    # SSH configuration information, if the db_server has been configured on the same machine, you don't need to configure it here

The configuration file includes three parts, including global, db_servers and cm_servers.

  • global: describes the common information of all instances in a cluster.
  • db_servers: shows the instance list. Each element represents an instance.
  • cm_servers: describes the CM server node information, which takes effect only if the --install-cm option is specified, or can be omitted, and is deployed with db_servers by default.

Global Configuration

Field Name Description Value Type Default Value Mandatory or Not Remarks
cluster_name Cluster name String cluster_ is the prefix of a cluster name by default. Yes
user Operating system user String omm No
group Operating system user group String omm No
user_password Operating system user password String Null No The value needs to be encrypted by running the encrypt command.
db_password Database password String Null No The value needs to be encrypted by running the encrypt command. If the field is not set, it can be set during installation.
db_port Listening port of a database Integer 26000 No
base_dir Base directory for database installation String /opt/mogdb No If this field is set, the app_dir, log_dir, data_dir, tool_dir, cm_dir, and tmp_dir fields can be optional and automatically put in the specified directory of this field.
app_dir Application directory of a database String /opt/mogdb/app No
log_dir Database log directory String /opt/mogdb/log No
data_dir Database data directory String /opt/mogdb/data No
tool_dir Database tool directory String /opt/mogdb/tool No
tmp_dir Directory of the temporary database file String /tmp No
core_file_dir Directory of the system core file String Null No If this field is set, the kernel.core_pattern value will be changed.
gs_initdb_opts gs_initdb parameters for database initialization String list no An element maps a parameter. If the --locale parameter is not set, PTK will set the element to --no-locale by default.
ssh_option SSH connection authentication information ssh_option no If an instance needs to be connected remotely but the instance-level ssh_option is not configured, the field in the global will prevail.
cm_option CM configuration parameter cm_option no The field takes effect when --install-cm is specified during installation.

db_servers Configuration

Field Name Description Value Type Default Value Mandatory or Not Remarks
host IP address of an instance String Null Yes
db_port Instance port Integer 26000 No If this field is not configured, the field in the global will prevail.
ha_ips HA IP address list for instance log replication String list Null No
ha_port HA port for log replication Integer 26001 No
role Database instance role String Null No The value can be primary, standby, and cascade_standby. If this field is not configured, an instance in a cluster will be chosen as the primary instance randomly. Other instances will become standby instances.
upstream_host IP address of the upstream standby of the cascaded standby String Null Mandatory for a cascaded standby
az_name AZ name String AZ1 No
az_priority AZ priority Integer 1 The smaller the value, the higher the priority.
xlog_dir xlog log directory String Null The xlog will be put in the pg_log of the log_dir directory. This field cannot be configured under the data directory. Otherwise, an error will occur during database starting.
db_conf Database GUC parameter configuration Dictionary Null The dictionary key is a parameter in postgresql.conf.
ssh_option SSH connection authentication for connecting an instance ssh_option no If this field is not configured, the field in the global will prevail.


Field Name Description Value Type Default Value Mandatory or Not Remarks
host IP address of an instance String Null Yes
port CM server port Integer 15300 No If it is not specified, the value of global.cm_option.cm_server_port is used.
ssh_option SSH authentication information for instance connection ssh_option No If it is not specified, the field in the global or the configuration of the same IP address in db_servers can be used.


Field Name Description Value Type Default Value Mandatory or Not Remarks
dir CM installation directory String $base_dir/cm Yes
cm_server_port Listening port of the CM server Integer 15300 No
db_service_vip Virtual IP address (which needs to be supported by CM) String Null No
cm_server_conf CM sever configuration parameter Dictionary Null No The dictionary key of the field supports any parameter of cm_server. PTK will set this value in cm_server.conf .
cm_agent_conf CM agent configuration parameter Dictionary Null No The dictionary key of the field supports any parameter of cm_agent. PTK will set this value in cm_agent.conf .


Field Name Description Value Type Default Value Mandatory or Not Remarks
host IP address of a host String IP address of an instance No If a host is to be configured as a proxy jump server, this field is mandatory.
port SSH connection port Integer 22 No
user SSH connection user String root No If the connection user is not root, make sure that the user has the sudo permission without the code.
password SSH connection password String Null No The value needs to be encrypted by running the encrypt command.
key_file SSH connection key file String Null No
passphrase Password of the SSH connection key file String Null No
conn_timeout SSH connection timeout duration Duration 1m No
exec_timeout Command execution timeout duration Duration 10m No
proxy Jump server configuration ssh_option Null No The jump server can be connected for only once.
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