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Restart Database

Restarting a database is essentially a combination of stop database and start database. For user convenience, PTK provides the restart subcommand, which supports all parameters supported by start and stop.

Restarting The Entire Cluster

You can restart the entire cluster by specifying the cluster name with this command:

ptk cluster -n <CLUSTER_NAME> restart

Restart Individual Instances Within The Cluster

The -H or --host option specifies the IP of the instance.

ptk cluster -n <CLUSTER_NAME> restart -H <IP>

The -i or --id option specifies the ID of the instance (ID can be viewed via ptk ls)

ptk cluster -n <CLUSTER_NAME> restart -i <ID>

Restart All Clusters

Please use caution!

PTK is multi-cluster management software, so PTK also supports restarting all clusters managed by PTK with a single command:

ptk cluster restart [-a|--all]
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