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PTK is segregated by operating system users, and PTK programs under different users are two separate instances. The main reason for this is that PTK's operation relies on locally stored metadata.

The metadata of PTK is the foundation of PTK's multi-cluster management. In the metadata, executables, cluster information, cache packets, log files, and other important information are stored, so please manage it properly, if the metadata is lost, PTK will lose the ability to communicate with the clusters.

Metadata Directory

The default metadata root directory is stored in $HOME/.ptk, which can be viewed with the ptk env PTK_HOME command.

Object Category Description Note
bin directory The binary directory where the ptk executables are stored.
data directory The cluster data directory, which holds configuration information for all clusters managed by PTK, with each cluster's configuration information stored in a directory named after the cluster under this directory.
cache directory The cache directory, in which PTK automatically downloads installation packages, the main purpose is to avoid repeated downloads of files with the same name, this directory can be cleaned up as needed, does not affect the operation of PTK.
log directory Log directory, which stores the debug logs during PTK operation, but this directory only stores the logs of PTK execution failures, which will be automatically deleted after successful execution.
metadata.yml file Metadata description file.
history file History execute file, with lines formatted as: timestamp, command, log path. Supported by PTK 1.5.0+.
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