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Install PTK

PTK is a standalone binary that has no additional dependencies on the operating system it is running on other than the CPU architecture, so you can place the PTK binary in any location to run it.

Although PTK can be run with a database cluster, we recommend that you install PTK on a separate control server, separate from the server that runs the database, and deploy and manage the database cluster through that control server to avoid database instance machine failures that could make PTK unavailable.

The installation of PTK is very simple, you can choose one of the two ways to install online or offline.

Online Install

Note: Command line installation is not supported on Windows systems.

In the terminal, execute the following command to automatically complete the installation:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://cdn-mogdb.enmotech.com/ptk/install.sh | sh

This command automatically installs PTK in the user's home directory, $HOME/.ptk, which will be used as the working directory for PTK, and where cache files, data files, cluster configuration information, backup information, and so on, will be stored.

At the same time, the installation command automatically adds the path to $HOME/.ptk/bin to the PATH environment variable in the corresponding SHELL Profile file (shown at the end of the installation log).

This allows you to use the ptk command directly after logging in to the server.

After the installation is complete, you can reopen the terminal to activate the `ptk' command.

offline Install

If your server does not have direct access to the Internet or if you need to use the PTK on a Windows system, you can install it manually.

Please follow the procedure below to install:

  1. Download the installation package for the corresponding server architecture from the following link page.

    🔗 https://www.mogdb.io/downloads/ptk/all

  2. Upload the installation package to the target server and unzip it

    mkdir -p $HOME/.ptk/bin
    tar -xvf <package> -C $HOME/.ptk/bin
    echo "export PATH=$HOME/.ptk/bin:$PATH" >> $HOME/.bashrc
    source $HOME/.bashrc
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