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pg_prewarm Overview

The pg_prewarm module provides a convenient way to load relational data into the operating system buffer cache or MogDB buffer cache.

Install pg_prewarm

For details, please refer to gs_install_plugin or gs_install_plugin_local.

pg_prewarm loading mode

  • mode: The loading mode, the options are 'prefetch', 'read', 'buffer', the default is 'buffer'

  • prefetch: Asynchronously preload data into OS cache

  • read: The end result is the same as prefetch, but it is synchronous and supports all platforms

  • buffer: Preload data into database cache

Create and Use pg_prewarm

  1. Create extension pg_prewarm.

    create extension pg_prewarm; 
  2. Create a test table.

    create table test_pre (id int4,name character varying(64),creat_time timestamp(6) without time zone); 
  3. Insert data into the test table.

    insert into test_pre select generate_series(1,100000),generate_series(1,100000)||  '_pre',clock_timestamp(); 
  4. Check the table size.

    mogdb=# select pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('test_pre'));
    5136 kB
    (1 row)
  5. Load data to the database cache. The result shows that pg_prewarm divides data into 642 data blocks.

    mogdb=# select pg_prewarm('test_pre','buffer');
    (1 row)
  6. Check the block size.

    mogdb=# select current_setting('block_size');
    (1 row)

    The size of each data block is 8 KB in MogDB by default.

    mogdb=# select 642*8; 
    (1 row)
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