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Prerequisites and Precautions

  • The database is running properly.
  • During the running of the tool, if the system time is tampered with, the slow SQL data collection may fail.
  • The tool does not support data collection on the standby node.
  • If you log in to the database host as a Linux user, add $GAUSSHOME/bin to the PATH environment variable so that you can directly run database O&M tools, such as gsql, gs_guc, and gs_ctl.
  • The recommended Python version is Python 3.6 or later. The required dependency has been installed in the operating environment, and the optimization program can be started properly.
  • This tool consists of the agent and detector. Data is transmitted between the agent and detector in HTTP or HTTPS mode. Therefore, ensure that the agent server can communicate with the detector server properly.
  • The detector module runs the collector and monitor services, which need to be started separately.
  • If HTTPS is used for communication, you need to prepare the CA certificate, and certificates and keys of the agent and detector, and save them to ca, agent, and collector in the root directory of the project, respectively. In addition, you need to save the key encryption password to pwf of the certificate, and set the permission to 600 to prevent other users from performing read and write operations. You can also use the script in the share directory to generate certificates and keys.
  • You are advised to configure your own Python environment to avoid affecting other functions (for example, using miniconda).
  • To analyze the root cause of slow SQL statements, you need the WDR report. In this case, you need to set track_stmt_stat_level to 'OFF,L1' and log_min_duration_statement to 3000 (slow SQL threshold, which can be set as required). The unit is ms.
  • If the detecor and database are deployed on the same server, the service port of the collector cannot be the same as the local port of the database. Otherwise, the process cannot be started.


Figure 1 anomaly_detection structure


anomaly_detection is a tool independent of the database kernel. Figure 1 shows the anomaly_detection structure. The anomaly_detection tool consists of the agent and detector modules.

  • Agent: data agent module, which consists of the source, channel, and sink. It collects metrics in the database and sends the metrics to the remote detector in HTTP or HTTPS mode.
  • Detector: collects and stores data pushed by the agent, monitors and detects database metrics based on algorithms such as time series forecast and exception detection, and provides root cause analysis on slow SQL statements.

Running and Installation of anomaly_detection

  1. Switch to the anomaly_detection directory. For the openGauss community code, the path is openGauss-server/src/gausskernel/dbmind/tools/anomaly_detection. For an installed database system, the source code path is $GAUSSHOME/bin/dbmind/anomaly_detection.

  2. You can view the requirements.txt file in the current directory. Use the pip package management tool to install the dependency based on the requirements.txt file.

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. After the installation is successful, run main.py. For example, to obtain the help information, run the following command:

    python main.py --help # Obtain help information. The methods of using other functions are similar.

Certificate Generation

When using https to communicate, the user needs to provide a certificate, anomaly_detection also provides a certificate generation tool.

  1. To generate the CA root certificate, run the following command in the share directory of anomaly_detection:

    sh gen_ca_certificate.sh

The script will create a certificate directory under the root directory of anomaly_detection, which includes three subdirectories of ca, server, and agent. The root certificate ca.crt and the key file ca.key are stored in ca.

  1. To generate the server-side certificate and key file, run the following command in the share directory of anomaly_detection:

    sh gen_certificate.sh
    # please input the basename of ssl certificate: ../certificate/server
    # please input the filename of ssl certificate: server
    # please input the local host:
    # please input the password of ca and ssl separated by space:

This script requires the user to input the storage directory of the generated certificate and key file, the name of the certificate and key file, the IP address of the detector server, the CA certificate password, and the current certificate password (separated by spaces). The script will finally generate server.crt and server.key under the server of the certificate.

  1. To generate the agent certificate key and file, run the following command in the share directory of anomaly_detection:

    sh gen_certificate.sh
    # please input the basename of ssl certificate: ../certificate/agent
    # please input the filename of ssl certificate: agent
    # please input the local host:
    # please input the password of ca and ssl separated by space:

This script requires the user to input the directory where the generated certificate and key file are stored, the name of the certificate and key file, the agent server IP address, the CA certificate password, and the current certificate password (separated by spaces). The script will finally generate agent.crt and agent.key under the certificate's agent.

Description of the anomaly_detection Configuration File

The a-detection.conf and metric_task.confconfiguration files need to be loaded before anomaly_detection is executed. You can run the python main.py -help command to view the configuration file path.

a-detection.conf contains six sections: agent, server, database, security, forecast, and log. The parameters are described as follows:

storage_duration = 12H  # Data storage duration. The default value is 12 hours.
database_dir = ./data  # Data storage directory

tls = False
ca = ./certificate/ca/ca.crt
server_cert = ./certificate/server/server.crt
server_key = ./certificate/server/server.key
agent_cert = ./certificate/agent/agent.crt
agent_key = ./certificate/agent/agent.key

host =  # IP address of the server
listen_host =
listen_port = 8080
white_host =  # IP address whitelist
white_port = 8000  # Port number whitelist

source_timer_interval = 10S  #  Agent data collection frequency
sink_timer_interval = 10S  # Agent data sending frequency
channel_capacity = 1000  # Maximum length of the buffer queue
db_host =  # IP address of the agent node
db_port = 8080  # Port number of the agent node
db_type = single # Agent node type. The value can be single (single node), cn (CN), or dn (DN).

forecast_alg = auto_arima  # Time series prediction algorithm. The value can be auto_arima or fbprophet (You need to install by yourself).
log_dir = ./log  # Log file location

metric_task.conf: This configuration file contains three sections: detector_method, os_exporter, and trend_parameter. The parameters are described as follows:

trend = os_exporter # Name of the table used for time series prediction
slow_sql = wdr # Name of the table for slow SQL diagnosis

cpu_usage_minimum = 1 # Lower limit of CPU usage
cpu_usage_maximum = 10 # Upper limit of CPU usage
memory_usage_minimum = 1 # Lower limit of memory usage
memory_usage_maximum = 10 # Upper limit of memory usage
io_read_minimum = 1
io_read_maximum = 10
io_write_minimum = 1
io_write_maximum = 10
io_wait_minimum = 1
io_wait_maximum = 10
disk_space_minimum = 1
disk_space_maximum = 10

data_period = 1000S # Length of historical data used for time series forecast. The value can be an integer plus the time unit (for example, 100S, 2M, and 10D).
interval = 20S # Monitoring interval
freq = 3S # Trend forecast frequency
period = 2 # Trend forecast period

img NOTE:

  • The following time units are supported:
    • 'S': second
    • 'M': minute
    • 'H': hour
    • 'D': day
    • 'W': week
  • At least one of minimum and maximum must be provided.
  • freq and period determine the time series forecast result. For example, if freq is set to 2S and period is set to 5, the values of future 2s, 4s, 6s, 8s, and 10s will be forecasted.
  • Ensure that the training data length is greater than the forecasting length. Otherwise, the forecasting effect will be affected.
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