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Aggregation Operators

The current version of Uqbar supports the following commonly used aggregation operators:

Aggregation Operators Description Reference Links
count Count statistics Aggregate Functions | MogDB Docs
distinct Deduplication Aggregate Functions | MogDB Docs
avg Average Aggregate Functions | MogDB Docs
median Calculate the median Aggregate Functions | MogDB Docs
mode() within group Calculate the maximum frequency Aggregate Functions | MogDB Docs
stddev Calculate the standard deviation Aggregate Functions | MogDB Docs
sum Summation Aggregate Functions | MogDB Docs
time_bucket Time alignment time_bucket
time_bucket_gapfill Fill in the missing time periods in the data time_bucket_gapfill
sum...over... Accumulative sum Session Performance Diagnosis | MogDB Docs
avg...over Moving Average Support for Advanced Analysis Functions | MogDB Docs
histogram Analyze the distribution of time-series data. histogram
difference Calculate the difference from the previous value difference
derivative Calculate the rate of change of values in two adjacent rows derivative
percentile Returns the value at the Nth percentile after sorting the data percentile
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