- About Uqbar
- Release Note
- Uqbar Installation
- Uqbar Management
- Data Retention Policy
- Time-Series Table Management
- Time-Series Data Write
- Data Compression
- Data Deletion
- Data Query
- Continuous Aggregation
- Time-Series Views
- Cluster Management
- Backup and Restoration
- Security
- GUC Parameters
- SQL Syntax
- Third Party Tools Support
- Glossary
Supports index-related functionality on time-series tables, allowing users to use indexes to improve query performance as needed. Supported index types on time-series tables include B-tree and Gin. Partial indexes are not supported, but B-tree indexes can be unique. Indexes on time-series tables are created as LOCAL indexes by default, and GLOBAL indexes are not supported. When data is deleted from a time-series table, the corresponding indexes on the partition are also deleted.
Create an Index
Index creation syntax is the same as that for a partition table. However, GLOBAL index creation is not supported.
CREATE [ UNIQUE ] INDEX [ [schema_name.]index_name ] ON table_name [ USING method ]
( {{ column_name | ( expression ) } [ COLLATE collation ] [ opclass ] [ ASC | DESC ] [ NULLS LAST ] }[, ...] )
[ LOCAL [ ( { PARTITION index_partition_name | SUBPARTITION index_subpartition_name [ TABLESPACE index_partition_tablespace ] } [, ...] ) ] ]
[ INCLUDE ( column_name [, ...] )]
[ WITH ( { storage_parameter = value } [, ...] ) ]
[ TABLESPACE tablespace_name ];
Modify an Index
Rename a table index.
ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] index_name RENAME TO new_name;
Modify the storage parameters of a table index.
ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] index_name SET ( {storage_parameter = value} [, ... ] );
Set a table index or index partition unavailable
ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] index_name [ MODIFY PARTITION index_partition_name ] UNUSABLE;
Reset a certain storage parameter of one or more index methods of an index as the default. Similar to SET, REINDEX may need to be used for updating an index.
ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] index_name RESET ( { storage_parameter } [, …] );
Recreate an index in a table or index partition.
ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] index_name REBUILD [ PARTITION index_partition_name ];
Rename an index partition.
ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] index_name RENAME PARTITION index_partition_name TO new_index_partition_name;
Modify the tablespace to which an index partition belongs.
ALTER INDEX [ IF EXISTS ] index_name MOVE PARTITION index_partition_name TABLESPACE new_tablespace;
Delete an Index
Rebuild an Index