- About Uqbar
- Release Note
- Uqbar Installation
- Uqbar Management
- Data Retention Policy
- Time-Series Table Management
- Time-Series Data Write
- Data Compression
- Data Deletion
- Data Query
- Continuous Aggregation
- Time-Series Views
- Cluster Management
- Backup and Restoration
- Security
- GUC Parameters
- SQL Syntax
- Third Party Tools Support
- Glossary
Time-Series Table Management
A time-series table is a carrier of time-series data, which has the same meaning as a relational table in the relational model. When you use it, you create the database first, then create the time-series table, then you can write or query the time-series data.
This chapter mainly introduces the management of time-series table, including the creation, modification and deletion of time-series table, and the view of time-series table under current database.
Create a Time-Series Table
Used to create a new time-series table under the current database.
Run the following command to create a time-series table.
( column_name data_type [ tslabel ] [ DEFAULT default_expr ] [, ...] [ COLLATE collation ] )
[ POLICY policy_name ]
[ TABLESPACE tablespace_name ];
For more details, see CREATE TIMESERIES TABLE.
Modify a Time-Series Table
Used to modify an existing time-series table. You can modify the column names, column defaults, data retention policy, owner, and tablespace of the time-series table.
Run the following command to modify a time-series table.
ALTER TIMESERIES TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] tablename_name actions
For more details, see ALTER TIMESERIES TABLE.
Delete a Time-Series Table
Used to delete one or more existing time-series tables.
Run the following command to delete a time-series table.
DROP TIMESERIES TABLE [ IF EXISTS ] table_name [, table1_name ...];
For more details, see DROP TIMESERIES TABLE.
Time-Series Tables Views
For user convenience, the system defines a set of time-series table related views.
timeseries_views.tstable, used to display all the time-series tables under the current database.
For more details, see timeseries_views.tstable.
--Query all time-series tables under the timeseries_views schema
Uqbar=# SELECT * FROM timeseries_views.tstable;
schemaname | tablename | timecolname | tagcol | tspolicy
public | weather | time | {city,location} | infinity
(1 rows)
timeseries_views.tschunkgroup, used to display the chunkgroup of all time-series tables under the current database.
For more details, see timeseries_views.tschunkgroup.
--Query the ChunkGroup view of the weather time-series table
Uqbar=# SELECT tablename, chunkgroupname, chunkgroupduration, start_time, end_time FROM timeseries_views.tschunkgroup WHERE tablename= 'weather';
tablename | chunkgroupname | chunkgroupduration | start_time | end_time
weather | p_1_1 | 7 days | 2022-6-16 00:00:00 | 2022-6-23 00:00:00
weather | p_1_2 | 7 days | 2022-6-16 00:00:00 | 2022-6-23 00:00:00
weather | p_2_1 | 7 days | 2022-6-23 00:00:00 | 2022-6-30 00:00:00
weather | p_2_2 | 7 days | 2022-6-23 00:00:00 | 2022-6-30 00:00:00
(4 rows)