- About Uqbar
- Release Note
- Uqbar Installation
- Uqbar Management
- Data Retention Policy
- Time-Series Table Management
- Time-Series Data Write
- Data Compression
- Data Deletion
- Data Query
- Continuous Aggregation
- Time-Series Views
- Cluster Management
- Backup and Restoration
- Security
- GUC Parameters
- SQL Syntax
- Third Party Tools Support
- Glossary
Users can query the chunk group list of a time-series table. A time-series table is divided into multiple chunk groups by time range and the expired data is deleted by chunk group, thereby improving deletion efficiency.
Table 1 tschunkgroup columns
Field | Type | Description |
schemaname | name | Name of a schema to which a time-series table belongs. |
tablename | name | Name of a time-series table. |
chunkGroupName | name | Name of a chunk group in a time-series table. |
chunkGroupDuration | interval | Chunk group duration of a time-series table. |
start_time | text | Start time (included) of a chunk group duration for a time-series table. |
end_time | text | End time (not included) of a chunk group duration for a time-series table. |
compressed | bool | Specifies whether the chunk group of a time-series table is compressed. |