- About Uqbar
- Release Note
- Uqbar Installation
- Uqbar Management
- Data Retention Policy
- Time-Series Table Management
- Time-Series Data Write
- Data Compression
- Data Deletion
- Data Query
- Continuous Aggregation
- Time-Series Views
- Cluster Management
- Backup and Restoration
- Security
- GUC Parameters
- SQL Syntax
- Third Party Tools Support
- Glossary
Uqbar allows users to query all retention policies of a specified database. The policies view in the timeseries_views schema supports querying policies of all time-series tables.
Table 1 policies columns
Field | Type | Description |
policyname | name | Name of a time-series retention policy. |
duration | interval | Retention duration of time-series table data. Value 00:00:00 indicates that time-series table data is permanently reserved. |
chunkGroupDuration | interval | Chunk group duration of a time-series table. |
default | bool | Specifies whether a time-series retention policy is a default policy. |