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  • mtk command line tool
  • mtkd mtk background service process. used for specific scenarios




  • Migration MySQL datatime type and there is a 0000-00-00 00:00:00 data report that does not prompt for an error issue




  • Support query and migration of the server type of DB2.
  • Support query and migration of the wrapper type of DB2.
  • Support query and migration of Oracle materialized views.
  • Support query and migration of objects inrrespective of the case.
  • Support configuration of file parameters remapSchema, remapTable, and remapTablespace inrrespective of the case.
  • Add the migration test function and check parameters test and limit.


  • Resolve the problem that materialized views are not ignored during migration of Oracle tables.
  • Resolve the problem that there are no migration sequences during migration of specified tables of DB2.
  • Resolve the problem that the program cannot end because the statement for migrating MySQL views includes the IF expression.
  • Resolve the problem that the program crashes because an exception is not processed during data import.




  • Support estimation of real size of a DB2 compression table.
  • Support reports in the text format.
  • Support automatic conversion of minvalue to maxvalue.
  • Support openGauss package migration.


  • Resolve the varchar(10 char) length problem during Oracle migration.
  • Resolve the with read only syntax problem during Oracle view migration.
  • Resolve the problem that it is slow to view the table size in DB2.
  • Resolve the messy code problem of the DB2 character set, and add the DB2CODEPAGE check.
  • Resolve the problem of concurrent creation of indexes and constraints.
  • Resolve the truncate and update set syntax problem during DB2 stored procedure migration.
  • Resolve some problems during openGauss stored procedure migration.




  • Data is exported into a file and the file number is added.
  • Data is exported into a file and MySQL statements are generated LOAD DATA INFILE XX INTO TABLE.
  • DB2 storage procedures can be migrated to openGauss (beta version).
  • DB2 functions can be migrated to openGauss (beta version).
  • The authentication license mechanism is updated.
  • openGauss virtual columns are supported.
  • PostgreSQL/openGauss rule can be migrated to openGauss/PostgreSQL.
  • PostgreSQL/openGauss base type can be migrated to openGauss/PostgreSQL.


  • The problem during migration of interval expression from DB2 to openGauss is resolved.
  • The problem during migration of values expression from DB2 to openGauss is resolved. ignore insert into xx values xx
  • The problem that the sequence is increased by 1 when auto-increment columns are migrated from MySQL to openGauss is resolved.
  • The problem for migrating openGauss constraints is resolved.
  • Part problems for migration from openGauss to openGauss are resolved.
  • The problem that migrating the openGauss query sequences is slow is resolved.
  • The CSV format problem during data export is resolved.
  • The problem that varchar/timestamp range partitions are migrated from DB2 to MySQL is resolved.




  • Materialized views can be migrated from PostgreSQL, DB2, and openGauss to openGauss.
  • Stored procedures, functions and stored syntax can be viewed in DB2.
  • Migration of MySQL range partitions containing to_days/year/unix_timestamp to openGauss is supported.
  • Migration of PostgreSQL/openGauss type to openGauss is supported.
  • Migration of PostgreSQL/openGauss domain to openGauss is supported.


  • The problem that the database compatibility mode B is not judged during migration to openGauus is resolved.
  • The problem that the automatic virtual column of DB2 is always 0 is resolved. It is rewritten as default 0.
  • The problem that the minimum and maximum values of a sequence are equal is resolved.
  • The problems related to partitions during migration from DB2 to openGauss are resolved.
  • The problem of uppercase and lowercase letters in MySQL query statements is resolved.
  • The problems related to the migration from PostgreSQL to openGauss are resolved.


  • That the query of ADMINTABINFO in DB2 is quite slow is optimized.




  • Multilingual help instructions are supported.
  • Migration of openGauss functions, views, stored procedures and triggers is supported.
  • Error data logging is supported.
  • Parameter autoAddMaxvaluePart is added to support adding maxvalue partitions automatically when partition tables are migrated to openGauss.
  • A parameter is added to the command line for exporting data to a file.
  • Migration to PostgreSQL is supported.


  • MySQL 8.0.23 query view issues are resolved.
  • The problem of determining the parallel completion of a single table is resolved.
  • The problem that constraints are lost during migration from DB2 to openGauss is resolved.
  • The problem that default values of columns are lost during migration from DB2 to openGauss is resolved.




  • Parameter ignoreTabPartition is added to support migration to the target database and ignoring of partition syntax. Currently, this parameter supports only migration to MySQL.
  • The column type timestamp of DB2 and Oracle is changed to datetime(6) after migration to MySQL.




  • The problem that the name of an index or constraint exceeds 64 characters is resolved.
  • The migration report is optimized.
  • MariaDB 5.5.62 can be matched.


  • Some syntax problems involved in migration of views from Oracle to openGauss are resolved.

  • The problem that remapSchema becomes invalid is resolved.




  • During table data migration, a check item is added and used for checking whether a table exists.
  • The parameter excludeSysTable is added and can ignore a system table. The user can customize the parameter and does not configure using system configuration by default.
  • Indexes and constraints can be created once data synchronization is complete.
  • Collecting table statistics information is added.
  • The column type set enum for MySQL can be migrated to openGauss.
  • The parameters EnableSyncTabTbsPro is added. RemapTbsSpace supports conversion of tablespace names.
  • DB2 table creation syntax has compression and organize by syntax added.
  • DB2 connection string has ClientApplName and ProgramName added.
  • Case is ignored when a database is queried in MySQL.


  • The problem of matching special characters in a table name and a column name is resolved.
  • After migrated to openGauss, dual is replaced with sys_dummy.
  • The Chinese character gash problem is resolved.
  • The problem that the table creation statement in Oracle does not have double quotation marks is resolved.
  • After migrated to openGauss, when a view, function, procedure, or trigger is created, that the search_path is incorrect is resolved.
  • The problem of consistency for the table, constraint, and index name is resolved.
  • The problem that no warning is reported indicating that a table exists is resolved.
  • The auto-increment column of the information_schema.TABLES view in MySQL 8.0 is inaccurate, which needs to be associated with the information_schema.INNODB_TABLESTATS view for query.




  • The ESLint safety problem is resolved.




  • The DB2 virtual autoincrement column can be migrated to the MySQL autoincrement column.
  • Oracle supports automatic query of a character set and configuration of environment variable NLS_LANG.
  • For log files, parameter logfile is preferably used. If there is no parameter logfile, use parameter reportFile.


  • The time consumed for migrating table data can be estimated.
  • The VarGraphic column type problem in DB2 is resolved.
  • axios is upgrade.
  • The memory leak problem is resolved.
  • The problem of the HTML report style is resolved.
  • The format problem of migrating DB2 files to openGauss is resolved.
  • The safety problem is resolved.




  • The problem of constraints with the same name is resolved.
  • The format problem existing in the timestamp column of DB2 is resolved. 2019-01-10-
  • Some problems existing in migrating data from Oracle to MySQL are resolved.
  • The sorting problem involving index during data migration from Oracle to MySQL is resolved.




  • Oracle packages can be migrated to openGauss. (alpha beta version)
  • The mig-tab-pre/data/post/other subcommands are supported.
  • Oracle triggers can be migrated to openGauss.


  • Oracle trim is converted to openGauss trim (both xx).
  • Oracle dbms_lock.sleep is converted to openGauss pg_sleep.
  • The insert syntax problem in data migration from DB2 to MySQL is resolved.
  • The problem of migrating partition tables from DB2 to MySQL is resolved.
  • Constraint creation in MySQL does not allow usage of indexes, which is rectified to a normal syntax.
  • The status problem of migrating sequences from DB2 to MySQL is resolved.
  • The problem of generating reports slowly is resolved.
  • Some problems of converting the storage procedure are resolved.




  • Part of time functions in DB2 can be converted in openGauss.
  • The gen auto complete subcommand is added.
  • The connect by can be rewritten as the CTE syntax. (alpha beta version)
  • Data can be migrated from DB2 to MySQL.
  • batchSize is supported in the COPY command.


  • Split table add abs function because mod function will appear negative.
  • The problem that the overloading parameter package is lost is resolved during function and storage procedure migration to openGauss.
  • The problem that the schema of the sequence is not remapped after the autoincrement column of MySQL is migrated to the openGauss sequence is resolved.
  • After the autoincrement column of MySQL is migrated to the openGauss sequence, the cache is changed to 1.
  • When the MySQL setting parameter is put in the timestamp column, it automatically generate the on update syntax.
  • The problem of the time zone in the MySQL connection string is resolved. The default time zone is that of the local host.




  • The Oracle synonym and the DB2 alias to openGauss synonym are supported.
  • The DB2 nickname view is automatically skipped.
  • The MySQL cursor syntax xxx cursor for can be rewritten into openGauss cursor xxx is.
  • The MySQL join syntax can be rewritten.
  • Oracle NLSSORT can be rewritten into openGauss collate.
  • The Oracle months_between function can be rewritten.
  • Oracle or MySQL functions can be migrated to openGauss.
  • Oracle rownum can be rewritten into openGauss limit.
  • Oracle outer join can be rewritten into a normal syntax.
  • Oracle storage procedure can be migrated to openGauss. (alpha beta version)


  • The problem of rewritting the Oracle add_years function is resolved.
  • The view can be created by skipping the DB2 function index.
  • The sql_mode parameter is added in MySQL.
  • The golang panic catching is added.
  • The UTF8 string definition is added.
  • Some problems of migrating Oracle functions to openGauss are resolved.
  • The problem of querying the MySQL 8.0 views is resolved.
  • The default value 000-00-00 00:00:00of the MySQL column is changed to 1970-01-01 after migration.
  • The prefix index syntax of the MySQL column is ignored. (custom_condition(100)
  • MySQL JOIN with WHERE clause instead of ON is rewritten.
  • The problem of inconsistency between the unique constraint, constraint, and index names of the primary key in DB2 is resolved.




  • Oracle functions can be migrated from Oracle to openGauss. (alpha beta version)
  • Oracle types can be migrated from Oracle to openGauss.
  • The default value "SYSIBM"."BLOB"('') of the DB2 column is removed.
  • The MySQL bit column type is supported.


  • The problem that the configuration file is incorrect but no warning is reported is resolved.
  • The problem of the MySQL constraints with the same name is resolved.
  • The problem that error "pq: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00" is reported when the MySQL text field is migrated is resolved.
  • The problem that the virtualColConv parameter is case-insensitive is resolved.
  • The MySQL bigint unsigned auto incr issue is resolved.
  • The problem of querying the storage procedure of a function in MySQL 8.0 is resolved.
  • The problem of a table name with space is resolved.
  • The constraint problem of migrating data from DB2 to openGauss is resolved. A unique index is created first and a unique constraint is created second.
  • The problem of the MySQL index column custom_condition(1000) to openGauss substring(custom_condition,0,1000) is resolved.
  • The DB2 function index problem is resolved.
  • The MySQL int unsigned to bigint problem is resolved.
  • The virtual column problem in MySQL 8.0 is resolved.




  • Removing and restoring comment code is added.
  • Interval type regular matching is added.
  • The virtualColConv parameter is added, which allows the user to customize expression conversion of the virtual columns.
  • The sequence modification function is added, and the last value of a sequence is synchronized to the target database.
  • The check constraint of the virtual column in DB2 is automatically skipped.
  • The gen-config subcommand is added.
  • The DB2 nickname table index is automatically skipped.
  • The sorting of the start time and end time in a report is added.


  • The code smell problem is resolved.
  • The problem that the copy syntax does not include DB2 autoincrement ID virtual column is resolved.
  • The Oracle 11g deferred_segment_creation is resolved. Change the show table size to left join.




  • The MySQL/DB2 table split function is supported.
  • The openGauss virtual column syntax is supported.
  • sqlServer views can be migrated to openGauss/MogDB.
  • sqlServer indexes can be migrated to openGauss/MogDB.
  • sqlServer constraints can be migrated to openGauss/MogDB.
  • sqlServer schema table data can be migrated to openGauss/MogDB.
  • The syntax of creating secondary partitions in PostgreSQL is supported.
  • The Oracle select hint parallel syntax is supported.
  • The show-schema command can display the size of schema.
  • The check-config command is added to check whether a configuration file is correct.
  • A command is added to allow the user to control the migration type.
  • The showSchema, showTopTableSize, and showTopTableSplit commands are added.


  • The problem that multiple columns are to be partitioned after migrated to PostgreSQL is resolved.
  • The problem that a column name starts with numbers is resolved.




  • The sqlserver identity column can be migrated.
  • The sqlserver table query can be migrated.
  • sqlserver sequences can be migrated to openGauss/MogDB.


  • The problem of querying the partition sorting in DB2 is resolved.




  • The length problem of migrating columns from MySQL to openGauss is resolved.
  • The problem that the procedure does not exit normally is resolved.
  • The problem that the column length does not increase automatically when a table is exported to a file is resolved.
  • The problem that a report cannot generate on the Windows platform is resolved.
  • The problem that the select syntax does not have double quotation marks added is resolved.




  • The trigger, function, storage procedure, and package creation syntax is added in Oracle.


  • The view filter condition is removed from Oracle.


  • Concurrent lock is optimized.
  • The performance of table synchronization data is optimized.




  • The problem that the DB2 xml column type includes the XML version is resolved. XMLDeclaration=1 is added to a connection string.
  • The problem that the DB2 dbClob column type is changed to the openGauss text column type after migration is resolved.




  • The problem that the Oracle range partition includes multiple columns is resolved.
  • The empty string and null problems in Oracle, DB2, and MySQL are resolved.




  • The license function is added.
  • That the column length automatically increases after a non-UTF8 character set is changed to a UTF8 character set during migration to openGauss/MogDB is supported.
  • The time consumed for migrating data from Oracle or MySQL to openGauss can be estimated.
  • Data can be migrated from a Dameng database to openGauss.
  • The colKeyWords and objKeyWords configuration parameters are added.
  • The DB2 trigger, function, and procedure query statistics are added.
  • The Oracle procedure, function, trigger, and type query statistics are added.
  • The Oracle procedure, function, package, synonym, dblink, and queue type query statistics are added.
  • Migration to openGauss 2.0.0 is supported.
  • The database compatibility query function is added to openGauss.


  • DB2 GBK CHARSET Database char include Chinese error slice bounds out of range
  • Oracle '' = null to migrate openGauss is not null issue
  • MySQL time issue. MySQL year to openGauss int
  • Oracle/MySQL 0x00 issue
  • DB2/MySQL blob/clob issue
  • Oracle clob blob data issue
  • Modify query Oracle dblink view. replace all_db_links to dba_db_links
  • add Oracle long raw column type
  • openGauss add Col Key Word stream. convert to "STREAM"
  • missing column length from query openGauss/PostgreSQL database.
  • migrate Oracle missing table
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