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mtk sync-table-data

sync table data.


sync table data.

mtk sync-table-data [flags]


      --batchSize int                    Specify the batch size to be used for bulk/copy insert.
                                         Valid values are  1-50000, default batch size is 1000
                                         for MySQL,Oracle,openGauss,PostgreSQL.
      --bufferSize int                   Specify the Buffer size in MB, to be used inserting or querying. 
                                         Valid value is from 1 to 1024, default Buffer size is 8 MB
                                         for postgres,openGauss,mysql.
      --channelCacheNum int              Specify channelCacheNum.
                                         Valid values are  1-50000, default batch size is 10000
      --cpBufferSize int                 Specify the Copy Buffer size in MB, to be used in the Copy Command. 
                                         Valid value is from 1 to 1024, default Copy Buffer Size is 8 MB
                                         for PostgreSQL,openGauss.
      --disableSelectPart                Disable the select by partition
      --fetchSize int                    Specify fetch size in terms of number of rows should be fetched in result set at a time.
                                         Valid values are  1-50000, default fetch size is 1000
                                         for Oracle.
  -h, --help                             help for sync-table-data
      --limit int                        Define how many rows of data to migrate.
                                         Specify that test does not specify that this parameter defaults to 10000
      --scn string                       Consistency point in time. For Oracle Flashback Query SCN
      --splitTabMethod string            Define the split method. 
                                         Option: rowid,mod,ora_hash,auto
                                         Oracle defaults to auto(sample,mod), other databases default to mod
      --splitTabSamplePercentage float   Percentage sampled
      --splitTabSize int                 When the table size or partition size is larger than this value, the query task is split. Unit MB
      --splitTabTaskNum int              The number of single-table/single-partition split tasks
      --tableSplit stringArray           Define table split. Can be specified multiple times. 
                                         format schema.tableName:where:where:where
                                         --tableSplit 'MTK.TABLE01: "ID">100 AND ID<=200: ID>200 AND ID<=300:ID>300'
                                         --tableSplit "MTK.TABLE02: \"ID\">100 AND ID<=200: ID>200 AND ID<=300:ID>300 AND COL1='1'"
      --test                             Whether to carry out migration testing, with the parameter limit migration part of the data.
                                         Test migration data is not commit, just testing whether the data is inserted properly

Options inherited from parent commands

      --caseSensitive int       Object case parameters in SQL statements.
                                1 - lower case 
                                2 - upper case 
                                3 - Keep it the same as the source database.
  -c, --config string           Set mtk config file. Support json,yaml. [env MTK_CONFIG] (default "mtk.json")
  -d, --debug                   Set the debug mode.
                                Not necessary for the normal usage. [env MTK_DEBUG]
      --disableIgnoreCase       Disable ignoring case queries
      --enableSyncCompTabPro    Enable Synchronize table compressed properties
      --file                    export to file
      --fileType string         Indicates the type of a file when data is to be exported to a file.
                                support csv,sql
      --license string          Specify the license file
      --noTerminalReport        The terminal does not print an overview of the migration report
  -p, --parallel int            Specify the parallelism. 
                                the degree of parallelism is now only useful when migrating table data and parallelism when creating an index. (default 1)
      --path string             Indicates the directory of a file to which data is to be exported. 
                                Default value is config.target.parameter.path. If not configured, the system default value ./data
                                Command Value > Config Value > MTK Default Value
      --preRun                  preRun check.
  -r, --reportFile string       Set mtk report file or dir. If it is a file, use the file directory. 
                                Default value is ./report
                                report directory format [./report/reportYYYYMMDDHHMISS] ./report/report20210101121314
      --schemas string          the Migrate schema,Separated by commas.(schema1,schema2,db1)
      --tableSkip stringArray   Define table split. Can be specified multiple times. 
                                format schema.tableName --tableSkip MTK.TABLE01 --tableSkip MTK.TABLE02
      --tables string           the Migrate tables,Separated by commas.(tab1,schema1.tab1)


  • mtk - Database Migration Toolkit
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